Horrific visions not dropping gear?

This is what wowhead says:

Defeating Thrall or Alleria in a Horrific Vision will reward 1 gear item from the “pre-raid” set. The item level of this piece depends on how many other activities you did in the Horrific Vision, as well as how many Faceless Masks were active.

Estimate of Gear Reward Item Level:
Defeating Thrall or Alleria is required to get gear!

  • 420 item level
  • All 5 Objectives: 445 item level
  • All 5 Objectives with 5 Faceless Masks: 470 item level

I have done two Horrific Visions and none of them gave me any gear, is it not supposed to atleast give me ilvl 420 gear each run when I kill final boss?
Or has it been changed?

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Thats weird,i rushed vision on one of my alts today and got 420 piece,write a ticket

Yeah some people are getting gear on their first run, but you are supposed to get gear every run that scales with how many objectives you complete

None of my characters that did left side only got any gear. One of those 2 boss clearer has cloak R5 and in her bags I only see quest rewards I got on patch day, and that 1st 420 she got form the 1st vision you do without archive.

Today a character did a 2bosses+thrall run and got her armour reward, but she didn’t get any from earlier runs where she cleared just left side.

I ponder if that left side boss itself is an issue ?

Does anyone know if Blizzard has made a statement on people not being rewarded gear upon completion of Horrific Visions??

Is anything being done about it?

Bluepost on US forums about this, apparently you can only get each tier of gear reward once each reset, so if you kill thrall at first attempt and gets 420 gear, you wont be able to recive 420 gear until next reset, you have to go for the 430 tier to get another piece of gear, wich is boss + 2 bonus objectives

please link, so far that i understand each run is suppose to give loot.


Thank you :slight_smile:

edit: no my post is just hella confusing.

but each run on a different difficulty should give gear still.

This explains - you must kill 2 extra bosses for next ‘tier’ of reward. And then full clear. And then only get upgrades from boosted full clear.


But at least we now have a post saying how exactly they have done this.

For some reason i ended up laughing endlessly on "and a character must be alive and sane " … I, as player, am faaaaaaaar from sane by now.

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they say you get at least low 420 gear after completing anything. but that seems not to be the case. i got one piece for my first vission and after that even after completing one small goal and thrall i got nothing with all my chars, just the one first piece. so basicly every after run after the first seems to be very unrewarding.

U can get the gear once per week. So if you do the basic only killing thrall, u get 420 loot. Once. Then u need to take 2 bonus objectives + thrall for 430 loot. Once. And so on.

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Offtopic, I find that youtuber really toxic to the woW community, but it might just be me.

I’ve tried to watch his videos, but after a whole week of rants calling retail trash and then yesterday the game was the best in the world again. Bah, click-baiter. Stylosa’s (OW Youtuber) version of WOW.

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Totally understandable, i’m not saying follow his views, but he does have some informative videos about whats going on. i don’t pick sides… except horde :wink:

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