Horrific Visions Updates Coming with Weekly Maintenance

Just remove the 25k cap of Coalescing Visions and i’m all in :smiley:

YYYYEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH :smile: ! I needed that so Long :smiley:. Can it be stackable so that will be soo perfect :smiley:.

Uhm so that mean for a 7-11 now we must do 2 objective and 1 harder like before or we… Well i’m maybe of need of some research for how it worked. Quite confused what will change in my run in vision. But look like a good change :slightly_smiling_face:

I Love it :smiley: ! At least i can do vision when i want :smiley: !


Good changes. More runs is always better. Letting people catch up on their alts by dropping medium pages from hard zones is also great.

The not stacking thing I could take or leave, there’s certainly merit to the little psychological nudge of “These things are taking up your bag space, you should use them” but needing to save to progress the later weeks in a single go kinda goes against that, it’ll depend how many vessels we get per week with the changes though.

Looking forward to running a 5 mask of SW this week now I know I don’t need to save this vessel.

Basically. 7-11 pages dropped from medium or hard zones, with a cap of 2 per run. They’ve now removed that cap, so if at cloak rank 7, for example, you are capable of a full clear, you can get 4 pages per run instead of 2.


And I was thinking, i could actually just do safe run for upgrade and have spare for “progress runs” as you really need experience to do mask runs - no matter how good you are, but you need practice and practice. With this change hopefully I get also some more practice besides cloak upgrade runs.


Perfect improvements!

Abewt time, also pls gib me alpha
Shh I won’t tell any1 :wink:
Fruitjuice under the table

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Kinda feel like these changes should’ve been obvious from the get go but better late than never.


It means that for 7-12 you can get a page for each zone you clear (so up to 4 per run), and 13-15 it’ll only drop from the two hardest zones

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What’s the point of raising it for levels 7-11 only to drop it again on levels 13-15? It is still kept behind the weekly cloak level cap so the amount of pages per run shouldn’t be an issue.

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And I thought that, according to these forums, Blizzard doesn’t listen to feedback. Very disapointed! :frowning:


It’s likely meant as a catch up system. Also it doesn’t really make sense for hard pages to drop from medium areas, thus removing the distinction completely.


Do we have only Kaivax as blue guy here guys ?

Could you add portals in Dazar’alor/Boralus to Uldum and the Vale? It would make going there so much nicer. Or you could add those portals in the Chamber of Heart, makes more sense. But please.

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Thank you guys so much for doing this. Don’t listen to all the complainers on the forum! We know you’re doing a great job and we will always support you 100%.

Oh, yeah, in the right time, thanks, Blizzard!

Most people said that even before 8.3 hit live servers, and made hundreds of these posts, so yeah, they took their time… good that they did this changes, but still many other areas in the game could use fixes…

These blank posts you’re doing recently is disturbing. Methinks your headsquid is to blame.

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See above ^^


No more wasting currency


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