How is AD for the Horde?

Im looking forward to rp a zandalar troll and as far as i could gather, AD seems the best(?) pick for a horde rper in EU( im kind of new regarding rp). However im also curious if the server is also active from a pvp/pve point of view, as im not looking just for roleplay. So fellow hordies, how is it here ? Progression guilds, mythic runs, is turning the war mode on insta-death ? Looking for your opinions.


Good for guilds/communities; not as active as Alliance in terms of random/hub RP. You won’t struggle finding regular RP so long as you join a solid group, just as for Alliance. The main difference is population, and the fact Horde tends to be more military-focused.


This is one of the biggest hubs for Troll RP, there is a Discord and all, so you might want to check it out:


I would say it’s good. There’s always stuff going on, and even though it might not be quite as busy as, say, Stormwind (I know, ya boo sucks) it’s never been short of RP every time I’ve dropped by on my characters :slight_smile:

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I’m not a big PVP/PVE guy here in WoW so the only information you’ll get out of me is all about roleplay.

Horde RP is mostly guild based but the casual roleplay can be found at Orgrimmar (Valley of Honor) and Silvermoon City (stay on the east side of Silvermoon…). The average player usually logs in for roleplay at about 7:00pm - 8:00pm realm time so I’d start taking a look around then.

The thread that Jianyù referred to can take you to the thread for Terrace of Tribes, a big ol’ discord for troll roleplayers but make no mistake, there are plenty of RP discords out there based on the kind of roleplay you are looking for: faction, class, race etc.

I don’t have an encyclopedia of every active RP discord out there, but I’d make a start in your search by joining Argent Dawn Discord. There are PVE/PVP folk in this discord as well so you can also look for like-minded players who want to do whatever in this realm.


On that note, I would advise making up your own mind about certain people and certain groups on the server. Ignore the hearsay and scuttlebutt, on either side. Have your own experiences and come to your own conclusions :slight_smile:

Discord is likely a good way to find random RP, as is TRP’s ‘scan’ feature.

Silvermoon is a ghost of what it once was for RP, honestly. It used to be absolutely bustling but even now, on a Friday night, you’d be lucky to actually run into much RP there. Compared to say, Stormwind, the difference is… outstanding.

The best place to find random RP is in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar.

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Thanks to everyone for their insights on my question, i do appreciate them !
Its nice to know that despite the big population discrepancy, the Horde scene is still very healthy ! So i will give it a try.
I kinda love everything about the zandalari by doing their questlines in BFA, their society/culture/Dazar alor and checking Jianyu link, i think Terrace of Tribes is the place for my rp char ! :slightly_smiling_face: (Once i figure out my troll class/name/description and so on)
A question still remains tho, what happens on the west side of Silvermoon ? :thinking:

It has become something of a hub for sexually explicit TotalRolePlay profiles. The Wayfarer’s Rest always had a reputation for hosting lower quality RP, but as the population in Silvermoon has plummeted the whole Bazaar side has been dominated exclusively by odd fetish-y and sexually explicit profiles aimed at ERP.

You may also notice that (rightfully I suppose) there is a large war-of-words on this server regarding sexually explicit roleplay.

Zandalari RP is pretty thriving in Orgrimmar, on the more positive side. They are definitely one of the most common allied races to see around (potentially just after the Vulpera) and from reading a lot of the RP profiles, also seem to attract some dedicated and high quality RPers with a good grasp of Zandalari lore.


I see, i thought this thing was mostly contained in Goldshire on Alliance side…
It seems it has spread across. XD

Thats nice to hear,i can see why the vulperas are the most sought after, they are practically the only new standalone race.

Also, is TRP 3 the main addon for roleplayers nowadays ?

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