How many are interested in FFXIV because of asmongold?

You people really worship that guy… You are completely under his spell! :joy:

If he’s enjoying the game, who am i too throw fecal matter on him. More power to him.


He wasn’t wrong? No lies detected. :3

Why hate on asmon? some people rly do hate em waow, he’s one of the best complainer about WoW and what it should be.

What is your vision of this game to be? on this forums most people need cross faction, Solo Que and cosmetics.

Honestly. you guys are pathetic.

unlike you , asmongold makes comments about patches/expansions, videos to complain like BFA, forced PL.

Looked at his stream last night for about 10 minutes, and I can’t imagine any way he’ll like the game, when he literally cannot see anything from the 500+ spergs that followed him everywhere. Those were the most toxic players I’ve ever seen tbh, they deliberately tried to ruin the game for him.

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I would be if I hadn’t played it before. I don’t think it’s a good game. It’s mediocre at best.

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So show them? Seriously, if you have them show them, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim.

As above, don’t -tell- me I am wrong, show me where it is proven that I am wrong, I’m the big enough man to admit (As has happened before on these forums) when I am indeed mistaken.

Err…OK, that statement really does not make sense. People -can- become set in their ways, but equally with age and maturity can come a better understanding of things. 47 year old me would think that 21 year old me was an absolute (Redacted). I found some homophobic jokes funny, never racist jokes (Thankfully) and I had an atrocious attitude towards relationships, thinking a series of ‘One night Stands’ made me look like a ‘playa’, The older I have gotten, the more -tolerant- and sensible I have become, sometimes with age, you actually -do- understand things more. Perhaps not always, almost certainly not always, but generally you have life experiences to draw upon that change your perspective.

No one is ever ‘too old to understand things’.

I cannot prove an article correct or incorrect, if you will not link it for me to see. That just isn’t possible.

Don’t you see? At this point it is ‘You say one thing, I say another’

Or…that I understand the meaning of the word ‘forum’ as it has been used for more than two thousand years now. It is a place for opinions to be shared. If I am wrong, then show me. Tell me and show me, and if I am wrong, I will admit it.

Damned fool. You never do that in a customer service industry. He may be correct, he may be incorrect, but you never call out one of your customers in social media, that is simply bad business practice.

Just a reminder that there are two classes of generations referred to as ‘Boomers’, there are Baby Boomers, who are now in their sixties, and Echo Boomers, who are in their thirties and late twenties.

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You make it sound like a bad thing

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Don’t care about Asmon but after spending few days loging in doing 3 dailys and then loging off bored i also finally made a switch. And i am having fun again.

So i cancelled my 6 month sub and not sure when i will come back. Maybe 9.2 maybe at the end of expansion when there will be enough story content to go around. But getting 20-30 min of story content per week and rest being raid and 1 new dungeon is just not for me.

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Hmm. Can’t really categorize him as a paying customer. His following of highly respectable, fine and decent chaps funnel him more than enough funds that he doesn’t need to spend a dime of his own. Still, he is technically paying and he does bring in a lot of money, even if it’s radiated, so calling him what he is is a pretty unwise move.

You left out the third type, the actual ones:

FF been around since 1987 lol, trust me they dont need a streamer to get a playerbase. All this bs FF vs WoW, both have been strong for yrs and will stay strong, and yes I am very unhappy how WoW is going atm but I had that before and I am still here and will stay here.
And I will enjoy FF as well, not online since that is just not as good as the console version, either way Asmon will be back in WoW as well, trust me, he loves Wow.


I already explained where to find them, I don’t know if you pretend or what is the deal.

I repeat that every article had its own source literally mentioned, this articles aren’t based on rumours. Sites that collect data exist. You claimed that this articles are wrong without providing argument why, what is your information based on?

Yes you can not. Then why are you talking so loudly that FFX14 can’t overtake WoW without any information of if it possible to collect data or not.
Everything leads to you lacking the knowledge of technology possibilities.
One of this data collecting sites:

As they claim:
“By combining online social activity, sentiment tracking, public statistics, rankings and more MMO Populations estimates the total subscribers, players and active daily players for the top MMOs. Above is the total number of tracked players by the site.”
Some articles are based on this information.

You just refuse to admit that you made a mistake clearly, when you accused me of something which I never did by creating your false narrative.

Or you don’t and making something out of it, which it isn’t. You yourself wrote meaning of that word. Where exactly does it mention that someone can put himself in other persons shoes. I replayed to a different person and YOU decided to act like it was towards you. Not also you decided yo act like I was talking to you, you also decides to came up with false accusations. Then you came up with cheap excuse and failed miserably.

That website you linked, lists games that have been shut down - for years as having quite a decent chunk of players btw.

Might want to find a better source for data that doesn’t go off of subreddits and fan site activity.

I dont get why you think that now every wow player running away to play FF14. Majority of wow players cant stomach that asain style game, and that game is looks like any other f2p asain mmo from 2005, its just overhyped now thanks to some streamers

Whoever was interested in it already plays it anyway. It’s not like people can only play 1 game.

Bro. You are using a website that says Asherons Call has active players in the thousands. Asherons Call has been shut down for 4 years.


I dont understand why people get confused at playing both either. Like. I have an active WoW sub, I have an active FF14 sub. I’ll play some TBCC tonight and some FF14 during work tommorow. God damn this community, having multiple MMOs on the go was the lifeblood of the genre for years before WoW existed, it’s what made it so niche and fun.


He should be absolutely hounded for it. Make a better game if you are pissed that people are playing others.

I’ve saw my family over the weekend, my brother and father both ex-WoW players and tbf, I was honest and said if you want to come back then go play classic or give FF14 a try as retail is currently in the garbage, I literally just login as I want to do the raid so I need to stay up to date but outside that theyve managed to kill the world.

what is asmogold?

The best person around

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