How many systems are in SL?

So far i counted 4

  1. Covenants
  2. Soulbinds
  3. Condiuts
  4. Legendary gear crafting

And there is another form of AP weaved into these. Seriously, how many more expansions do we need to endure those never ending grinds and going through the hoops in order to do the content we actually want to do?

What’s wrong with simply gearing from raiding for harder raiding? Gearing from BGs to do rated pvp?


We are moving from Beta for Azeroth to World of Systemcraft :unamused:


not many, just a couple of more than BFA

This is how i see it, it’s not that big a deal.

  • Covenants - Class Order Hall

  • 3 Soulbinds - 3 Artifact Weapons.

  • Condiuts - Artifact Relics.

  • Legendary gear crafting - Better than RNG Legendary drops of Legion

Edit: If we really wanna go in depth the Renown for your Covenants is the Suramar rep grind and story progression. Oribos is Dalaran,

I’m surprised people havn’t noticed how similar Shadowlands is to Legion =P


its kinda difficult to get a good balance of everything, because in WoD we didnt have any of these systems in place and most players complained about there not being enough to do,

they are also setting a low weekly soft cap on the anima which means you dont have to endlessly grind anything realistically unless you want to put in the effort to unlock cosmetics. so they are definately moving in the correct direction

you also forgot torghast as a core system

Yup that’s the only thing that isn’t a copy and paste of a legion system with a slight twist.

It is however a copy of the Palace of the Dead and Heaven on High floor dungeons from Final Fantasy 14. Not that it’s a bad thing I did enjoy clearing all 200 floors.

even if you discount the stuff being borrowed from other games, whats wrong with bringin in systems that work for the new expansion, it also gives them a chance to take previous systems iterate on them again and make them better.

Oh I’m not angry about it, I enjoyed legion and have no issue with the systems being copied. I think i will enjoy Shadowlands too,

My point is, it’s the same amount give or take as Legion which was just fine so there is no reason to panic and scream the sky is falling,

I personally think BFA is far worse for stupid systems trying to band aid other stupid systems. At least Legion and Shadowlands have it all in place from day one.

I frankly think they should give Garrisons another go, maybe in Azeroth and persist and update them for new expansions to keep them relevant and fun (OPTIONAL) content if you want to do it.

too many. another exp i wont be raiding seriously

So you haven’t raided since WoD?

I mentioned Renown is no different than a Rep grind or the Surumar story line. Do people actually think this is allot? or am alone in seeing this as the same as Legion which was perfectly manageable.

a lot of the “grinds” in the game are perfectly managable, people just see the top end raiders having to do an insane amount of grinding and then think that even though they wouldnt ever even step into a mythic raid that its something that they have to do as well, when i went into heroic for the every raid this expansion other than maybe uldir i was already in the position of having the required neck level to use all of the azerite gear that i needed, so it wasnt something that required a lot of grind, just actually playing the game.

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