How many toons have u leveled from 1-120

It’s the easiest way to farm likes though. But I’ll give the TL5 topic later on a spin, thanks for linking it!


Hunter, 2 shamans, paladin, 3 warriors, monk, rogue, warlock, 2 demon hunters, 2 druids. 14 :scream:

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6 in total
This hunter
1nelf druid
1 belf pally
1worgen druid
1 nightborne mage
1 lightforged priest
I also have a mage and a shammy that are near max lvl
I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon

One can never have enough hunters :wink:

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I have 1 of each class at 120 except shaman. In legion I did level a high mountain tauren to 110

Not enough :stuck_out_tongue: (about 5)

Oh, i’m not sure. I know i have used level boosts that come with expansions, but i’m not sure which ones i used them on now.

Well… i would say about 8 for sure. Not sure about the others.

20 and i have 4 around 110 still and a few lower ones i might be inclined to level once shadowlands hits and got the primary stuff out of the way.

Been playing since start of tbc and I still like leveling new toons so they add up fast

Indeed! I also like levelling and yes, they add up fast, BUT the account cap on other end doesn’t increase ever, so there’s not enough slots for the toons we’d like to level, and for me a 3rd account is too expensive to maintain, whether I use real money or gold, I may have a lot of gold but I’m not an AH baron, so I have to be very careful how I use it.

Three. This toon, the only one I really play, then my AH rogue box opening alt, and a horde belf rogue for the Horde storyline, though I sort of lost interest in that.

Now, if the question was how many toons have I ever leveled to max level… that would probably be dozens.

Looks in character deletion bin

Hmmm, really can’t say. Some of these are boosts… okay most are boosts. Even my main is a boost from Legion. So honestly? Not that many. 120 levels is too long, I give up at 80 usually.

:thinking: :thought_balloon:
I had to log in and wow… I have 14 level 120’s across 4 realms/both factions :rofl: only 2 who are geared.
I actually thought I had like 4 haha

Edit: Only one is boosted, and its not even geared, so yes I leveled them all through dungeons mostly

Same :grimacing: I got 2 leveled. 1 during wod/legion my first char, 1 in the last months of legion. I have boosted 4 chars, including this one what is my main. I got some chars in the area of 30-60, but i just can’t stand leveling.

how exactly have you done this? pServer copypaste, login and adding some characters? Or do we have a tool for this?

Use two accounts, I used a trial to take the screenshots and I edited it in Paint.

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Too many. Working on my 3rd hunter, 2nd druid, 2nd rogue and 2nd priest,2nd shaman and 2nd warlock atm

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