How popular do you think the kul tirans will be?

They might have been more popular were they released some months ago as almost everyone i speak to (in my own little circles) now seems to be a member of the “CBA anymore” party.

With today’s ideals on body types it will zandalari will reign supreme along with their interesting loa feature will make them a favorite

Kultirans males well dad bod and females? Victorian England when being full figured was ideal.

Golden age of Hollywood being dwarves and goblin females , having hourglass figures, large busts, slim waist.
So in short i don’t they will be very popular outside initial launch and druid classes just like the other races that fit outside of today’s ideals.

Big Chungus Race :slight_smile:

I’m going to make a female something, they can’t pally so probably hunter. Not sure.


It’ll be FOTM and then completely fall off a cliff because nobody wants to represent themselves as these obese lumps of lard for a long period of time. Just look how nobody plays Pandaren.


a kul tiran ROGUE be the biggest sneak that could ever sneak haha imagine that pop out of stealth and give a poor goblin a jump scare :stuck_out_tongue:

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well, most of my main characters are Pandaren so I have no problem with a big beefy race that actually looks physically capable of half the weirdass stuff our classes do in game!


Well they certainly look way better than zandlaari, wich look more like some night elf/troll hybrid than normal trolls.

I like how kulthirans look, way better than normal humans we already have with their dbz hair. But yeah i dont think pretty elf players want to play fat humans

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I bet they will be as popular as MagHar orcs. There will be those running around but thats it. I personally will proably change my druid into one

None of the new allied races seem to have had a big impact on the pie.


I think they will be popular for a few months after they’re released until the novelty wears off. Neither race is that interesting or unique unless you play a druid. Maybe people who RP and enjoy the lore surrounding their characters will appreciate them most. :thinking:

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This is very much a thing. Why are all human males pro-wrestlers? Even blood elf males, skinny by comparison, are pretty buff vs the average gamer :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am really disappointed we dont have KT paladins, I already created mog and I was preparing for the “ONLY THE FAITHFUL” and “FOR SIGMAR” spam :smiley:

Anyway I think they will be quite popular, some human players will go for them (because still human + nice racials), some draenei players will go for them because now you have big humanoids etc …

I am still considering turning my shaman into KT, but Ill see how effective that CC is first …

There are 2 reasons I hate them.

First they are Alliance.
Second they aren’t skinny humans.

They look strong and intimidating, i just don’t understand people wanting then thin, when humans are already thin.

If they become really popular will that make them Cool’Tirans? :thinking:


I foresee them being popular for human druids/shamans, little else than that.

No they are not they are far from thin normal humans they are all toned out and wierd shape imho .

I think the female humans look kinda like real humans, they have tiny heads though.

Male humans are built like he-man and for some reason run around all ridged like they have something lodged up their posterior. :joy:

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Me and you think so much alike but i didnt want to say that as u know how many holidays ive had :stuck_out_tongue:
I must say though human female must suffer back ache/shoulder ache carrying how to say this politely the bags of flesh they do without imho proper support .