Sure but if you’re Tank or Healer “go again” is join someone else’s group at the same level. OP as DPS will likely have to use their own key which will be a level lower.
I failed a +11 halls of atonement on my mage, my key. No problem, go next and go again.
Playing my mage now in pugs I’ve found it to be a lot more fun and more relaxing than playing a healer in pugs. I don’t think I want to heal pugs again.
As I said it depends on how one regards the importance of their time. If OP has absolutely no regard for their own time they can continually do content they’ve already done over and over and over again.
It is down to how the individual feels.
Playing in a group is more demanding on your time than not playing in a group though. If you play in a group, you have to be there at set times when people can play. With pugs, you can go whenever you feel like it. If you’re missing people when playing with a group, then no playing.
I’m not saying “Play in a set group at a set time” I’m saying “I (specifically) would never pug as DPS”.
I have near infinite free time and I still wouldn’t PUG as DPS, I also wouldn’t want to be tied to fixed times of playing in a group.
Some guilds are more understanding with shift work. Even communities tend to have set raid days.
What content are you trying to do? I tend to pug solely using the in game system.
I’d rather pug as dps now after playing my mage for a bit than pug as healer again. It’s pretty relaxing to not have to worry about fixing other people taking avoidable damage, if they don’t die from it. Don’t even have to think about where to use my icy veins because it’s up pretty much all the time unless the tank is pulling very slow.
Another plus side to playing my mage instead of healing, I know there will be a dps to dispel curses and not only on the healer to do it, if they can even do it.
I’m trying to do pretty much a bit of everything. I know doing Arenas is much easier as i only need 1 or 2 people to be online at the same time as me, but for other things it may be a lot harder.
As for raids i’m fine sticking with 10man as it seems easier to pull off, up to Heroic at least, i can do without Mythic.
And M+ aswell, i don’t need to go super high, just high enough to stay competitive and to have fun
Depends on endgame type. And I suppose you work in 3 shifts…
If you want to raid with a guild, very much a big no-no.
Keys are viable with friends, if their playtime schedule is flexible. That’s how I got both my KSMs, I asked them when they are free to help and made an appointment.
I’ve pugged Ksm twice this season once as tank once as dps.
Tank was easy to get into groups.
Dps harder but I just tended to do my own key, did mean I couldn’t target as much as I could as a tank but I had group composition control.
Ultimately far more successes than failures, far more sounds people than rude.
My only thing about pugging is just accept that you can get wildly different skills even though they may have good IO’s or ilvl - if you can accept that everything won’t be a walk in the park and you might “lose some games” you will still “win the league” eventually.
If I heal I am most confident on my hpala which has big heals and nice cool-downs (divine toll and wings).
The other healers feel like a stressful whack-a-mole because pugs like to stand in bad and some tanks don’t like cds and they run miles ahead and die and instantly blame the healer even though they’re out of range.
Mostly now I feel tanking is less stressful than healer haha
When you start asking questions such as these you should know not to, because you will not be able to fully engage in the Game if you dont have a lot of free time, or is a professional player.
The LFG is brilliant although I keep making rage posts about how bad people are, its an exceptional tool, and not a miserable experience if you have the time to dedicate, although you will have to be overly kind, and compassionate.
When using the LFG it dont matter if the person on the other end is a law student, a carrer person, a doctor, or nurse, or the other. Most people have the same personalities, so you have to babysit them.
Comment on how great their dps is, and tanking, and healing to boost the moral of this random group, and be as gentle as you can.
If you do that, then no problem.
A real good mix of stuff, I wish you the best of luck.
Not true really. Playing tank is terrible in dung like Halls where you are killed by wicked bolts due to clueless pug dps not using interrupts at all. Only pug tank that is somehow playable with randoms is blood dk due to high self heal and magic resistance. Even a pug dps player with 3k rio is way worse player than a 1.5 rio tank usually.
I didn’t realise that when you magically chose tank spec to complete dungeons you were granted with some kind of special skill to know exactly what to do.
If only that were true.
Why aren’t you giving shout outs over voice as the stuff that needs interrupted is incoming?
You don’t have eyes? There is all info if you use DBM or BigWigs what casts are coming.
Basically every cast that ends with the word ‘bolt’ needs interrupting.
And how’s that working out for you?
That’s when you play paladin and just divine toll and interrupt everything.