How To Get To The Shadowland ☠


They are watching, always watching…

Sounds painful!

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It feels like it


Seriously? They took it down? :unamused:

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Yes now i’m left with gallons of Gamergirl bath water…Not Happy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Luckily i hadnt gotten that far, took a nap instead!

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  • grab 13 6.66cm long wax candles.
  • Arrange them in a circle and trace a pentagram within that circle in chalk.
  • Prepare your offering to the devil. A pack of cheap beer and an album from Avenged Sevenfold should do the trick, altho you could try to be more creative and offer him a box of ice cream, I heard they were pretty hard to find back in hell
  • As the road to hell is paved with good intentions, help a grandma cross the street exactly 7 times within 3 days before attempting to open the portal to the underworld
  • Say as clearly as possible the following incantation :
    grrbmg mrlrmrbr grlr rbmgrlrl mlmrll grmrbamgbr mlgrrb lblrlrbr mlblgrmgblgrmllrblmrllmrgllbaba
    Make sure to not pronounce mlblgrmgblgrmllrblmrllmrgllbaba as mloblgrimgblgrmllrbylmrllmrglulbaba or you’ll summon an evil spirit which will steal one of your socks every morning and hide it somewhere in your house.
  • Finally once the devil is summoned, be respectful and invite him for dinner. Don’t forget to cook your bats well, we wouldn’t want a new pandemic to spread from a simple meal do we ?
  • Lastly before he goes home don’t forget to ask him upon reaching his fiery domain to pass by Bobby Kotick’s home and ask him to refund your pre-order

All in all, a simple ritual with no real long lasting side effects and cheap offerings.


You forgot about boosters.

updated for accuracy xD

I think you’re on a good way to join the neceolords right now.


More like the Nekolords…

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