How to make WPVP relevent

While Warmode is active enemy players killed in world pvp drop a an Honourbound service medal and add more items to the Service medal quartermaster, things like pots,food,toys,mounts,Tmog items could have a nice OP tank trinket for 1000 :slight_smile:


I very much want to loot PvP corpses :slight_smile:


Add the Elite Warfront sets to the vendor too, as it stands I’m unlikely to be able to complete them this expansion, despite taking every opportunity to do so.

Or perhaps create a different currency that gives us access to epic new gear and consumables that empower you in a variety of ways, but only in the open world whilst WM is active, with no effect in raids/mythic+/instanced pvp.

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It drives me mad i feel like i could fix most of wow’s issues given half the chance, a lot of the fixes are so simple it makes me wonder what the hell goes on at Blizzard, ive been saying for years to add something like this world kills dropping a mark that can be used to buy cool stuff, if you put a mount or a cool trinket for 5000 marks/kills people would farm it, they should do something like the titan residue for pvp gear that gives you the marks also. there isnt even a title over 250k HK’s i did that over 6 years ago, so i havent even got an ach to go for there is no reason top do world pvp or farm BG’s, They wonder why everyone is quitting? Give them something to do, give people stuff to farm, its World of Warcraft, yet a war hero that kills thousands get no respect, no reward, dont even get your name written in a book mentioning your achievements, Yep soldiers would quit under those circumstances as well.

Or, WPvP for the sake of WPvP.

See what anonymous players think of WM in my WM activity and satisfaction survey!

Yes thats ok for us people that love wpvp but were trying to get more people into the world enjoying random pvp skirmishes, most people need a reason or a goal to do something, i mean i got Bloodthirsty 6 years ago, an new ach to set my sights on might be nice.


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