How's everyone feeling about 9.1

i will be skipping 9.1 personally will see what 9.2 brings if nothing will probably play real life until 10.0


I’m looking forward to getting rid of prideful.

I’ll probably start tanking more frequently in 9.1, because there’s no way someone can ruin the run by screwing the pride percentage up in 9.1

I’m also dead tired of tanks who just runs around for no reason whatsoever, making it impossible to actually do proper dps. Like, paladin tank on necrotic? YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO KITE. It’s better if you don’t, because then the mobs die faster.

My interest in 9.1 died months ago.


It’ll be bad. Very bad. The patch after will be bad as well and next expansion, if there even is one, will be even worse.

Classic is the way to go. Retail is dead.

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I’ll no doubt try it, but I do so knowing that it’s just a matter of time before it becomes same-old-same and the reasons I’m bored just reignite again.

I’ve cancelled my sub so I can catch up with other games before 9.1 - then I’ll sub, try all the new things, and then probably do what I did in most expansions post-WotLK – go play other stuff until a new expansion.

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I think with the Blizzard’s M+ scoring addition there will be more M+ quitters in 9.1, its bad enough now with how many people quit after a single mistake.

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i thought half the fun was trying to get a group xD

the other half is trying to stop it from falling apart before last boss

Hyped :]

Playing tbc while waiting so i dont hit burnout b4 its even out

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I mean, I don’t experience this “quit after a single mistake” more than once in a while and then it’s mostly caused by a dps that pulls extra and screws the pride up and then they don’t do enough damage on the boss, lol.

9.1 looks good , specialy the lore part , new m+ affix look cool , new dungeon looks intersting , i want to see news legs + soulbinds , i like min-maxing :slightly_smiling_face:

News mogs are sick too

and honestly i had no hope for Korthia , but it looks fine

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The only good things about 9.1 are:

  1. We get flying
  2. We get to mount up in The Maw and the Eye of the Jailer is gone
  3. We get a new zone
  4. We get a new raid and new mega dungeon
  5. We get some more quests and a continunation of the story

The bad things about 9.1:

  1. Timer added to Torghast
  2. Changes in mythic plus scoring
  3. Additional currencies to grind
  4. Very thin story lines
  5. 40 more renown levels
  6. About 10 hours if that of actual story content
  7. Still have to grind anima, soul ash, and soul embers now
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same liek every single 2nd tier patch - its minimal catch up content + new raid.

you have to wait for 10.0 for actual new content unless you are a raider

and people wonder why wow fails.

Excited noises

is dead for who?

Not really we are getting realm mergers now and most realms are suffering since players moved to TBCC .

You want it to be dead but it is still going and yes its in a bad way but you play classic anyway so whats it to you .

I’m hoping that the new PvP talents will keep things interesting for a month or two.

As a player that can play a limited time and can’t raid because of it but does push m+ keys. I feel this 9.1 update is blizzard clearly saying they don’t care about us. Why you would ask, because of the new socket system. You can only obtain items that have the socket through raids and you can’t put sockets on other items. This means you forced to raid if you want to keep up with the curve and you will always be at the lower end since you can’t get the socket outside raiding.

Think blizzard really is harming themselves with this change and they will loose a lot of players because of it, me including. Knowing the community, you wont get into 15+ keys unless you have raid gear since those sockets gives so much more then plain stats. Thanks blizzard for once again failing to impliment a decent system for everyone and not just the 10%(if even is that high) of your community that actually can step into a raid.

Its seems fairly bland, adding nothing exciting and just more from the same old recipe of ‘usual’ content in patches.

A raid, a dungeon, a new zone, flying, tweets to borrowed power and other existing features.

On the other hand, i didnt expect anything more than this.

I think Ion should step down after SL tbh. Since he took over in Legion, which was a fantastic expansion, the game has only gotten worse and worse. The attempts to implement new features like Island expeditions, Assaults, warfronts, Boreghast etc etc have all been huge failures and basically a waste of time from the developers.

he should of stepped down after legion in fairness… he redeemed himself at that point… then ruined it again with BFA and SL… guy doesn’t know how to quit whiles hes ahead.

i don’t think anyone has the same concept of fun as Ion has…

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