[H][Ragnaros] Unholy DK looking for a HC or Mythic raiding guild


Returning player from Belgium looking for a guild to raid with in Dragonflight.
I’ve been raiding on and off since vanilla wow; getting really into raiding in TBC. Did everything in TBC, WotLK, WoD, and BFA. In BFA I cleared all the raids on heroic except for the first one since I started raiding during the second phase. I was planning on going back to more hardcore raiding in Shadowlands since I wanted to do mythic raids again. After clearing the first raid in Heroic my guild back then disbanded because of a split in what people wanted to do. Some people wanted to do Mythic and others didn’t which resulted in not having enough raiders anymore.
With the way Shadowlands was going and having to look for another guild again; I decided to take a break from retail. I went back to playing classic, TBC classic, followed by WotLK classic. We cleared every raid there again that has been released so far.
I want to give raiding in Dragonflight another try since I do miss the more complex fights. I would love to find a guild that wants to tackle Heroic raiding, at least, and maybe give mythic a go if the raids are fun to do.
Usually I main either my warlock, DK, or hunter. I was planning on going back to my DK this time. Since I thought it would be fun to see the different playstyles from retail DK compared to classic. I can raid on most days past 19h30, server time with the only exception being Wednesday. That’s when I’m raiding with my guild on WotLK classic.
If you need anymore info then feel free to contact me in game; SneakySquid#2129317.

Thank you for your time.

Hey Vêxx
We zijn een nederlandstalige guild met een merendeel aan Vlaamse spelers op Ragnaros.
Ik heb jou een request gestuurd zodat we dit verder offline kunnen opnemen.

De groeten!

Hello! - Maybe our Guild is something you’re looking for! We fit your time and day schedules and have an open slot for any DPS class you’d like to play!

Instead of spamming your thread with our recruitment post I rather put a link to it! If you are interested feel free to add any of us! Hope you find the guild you’re looking for! - Xiwin.

Hi there mate! You seem like a perfect fit for us :slight_smile: Lets chat!