Husband & Wife Bundle Deal - Free To A Good Home

This is a plea to rehome two tired, middle-aged humans. Both have plenty of life left in them and still have their wits about them, but would be best suited to a quiet home without any children, drama or loud noises.

Here’s the catch; they both play hunters, though the wife is currently undecided between hers or her Ele shaman. The husband has a mixture of heroic & mythic BoD progress, but no curve, the wife has 7/9hc. Both in excess of 405 ilvl.

…I’m finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the theme of the post, so never mind!

We took a break in Uldir and came back and we have found nowhere to settle. We’re looking for a mature bunch, preferably with an average age of 30, we’re not miserable gits but we’ve not found anywhere that isn’t too over the top as of yet.

Realm and faction don’t matter, however we’d rather not move to a realm that is completely dead, we’d much rather stick to the higher pop realms.

We love to interact, love to get involved, we love guild chat, discord funtimes etc and we’re active probably 5 or 6 nights a week, but would prefer to raid only 2 nights as we love doing mount runs and especially M+

Ideally, we’re looking for a guild that has just recently formed and is aiming to progress through heroic then mythic, but established guilds are also great the only thing we’re worried about with established guilds is cliques within. People say they don’t happen, but they do!

I’d also be ok starting a guild for the older generation if people would be interested, but I’d like to discuss this with more than 1 or 2 people!

We’re only looking to play our hunters right now as we can’t afford to bring an army of alts to new realms, but we’d be levelling some. We both play BM, though I’m currently trying Marksmanship out.

We’ve both been raiding together since Cataclysm launch, cleared all content while it was current at top tier until the release of mythic difficulty, which we never bothered much with. Cleared 8/8hc Uldir before we had to move house, and as I said, raiding has been a bit of a mixed bag since we returned a few months ago.

If you think we might be a good fit, please leave a bit of info and your battle tag and I’ll get in touch :slight_smile:

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Hello Oktoberfist,

I think we could have you both in our guild, and an elemental shaman would even be a plus as it would be unique in our guild ^^

We’re the Burning Hammer and here is more about us:

The Burning Hammer

The Burning Hammer is a guild with a core of veteran players, most of us playing since the start of Vanilla. While our original guild was based on Bladefist and Outland, we’ve since transfered to Argent Dawn EU where we started this guild.

We’ve raided in the past in Vanilla, TBC and WotLK, where we were a competitive guild in terms of realm-rankings. With Legion we started raiding again, and cleared all the content on heroic difficulty. So far we have been moving up the rankings every tier, and we keep aiming to improve.

What can we offer?

( note: we are a Heroic-only guild, we have no desire to raid Mythic )
Our raiding style is fairly casual: no fight goes perfectly from the start and we dont mind spending some time on a boss if that’s what it takes. We do try to use our limited raiding time well whenever new content is available.

We do normal raids, heroic raids and mythic+, and there are always people up for doing any of those.

Your profile?

We dont expect you to be a hardcore player, but you should have the basics such as having your gear enchanted and gemmed, be willing to learn, and bring buff-food, damage pots and flasks for heroic raids. If we’re still learning we wont ask you to use them, but if we get close to a kill we might ask that you put in that little bit of extra effort.

For communication we use Discord, and we’d prefer it if you have a working microphone for easier feedback during raid encounters.

Raiding Times

Thursday 19:30 - 22:30 PM server time
Sunday 19:30 - 22:30 PM server time

During periods of farm, these times are usually far shorter (and usually just one day).

Progression in Battle for Azeroth:

2/2 Heroic Crucible of Storms
9/9 Heroic Battle for Dazal’alor (1/9M)
8/8 Heroic Uldir

Progression in Legion:

11/11 Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne
9/9 Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
10/10 Heroic Nighthold
3/3 Heroic Trial of Valor
7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare

If you’re interested in joining and would like to have a chat, contact one of our officers on the following ids:


Hi Oktoberfist

We have just set up a new raid guild which is going to progress HC and then into Mythic. You both sound like you would fit in well with us.
Link below with our guild recruit post , Battletags are on there if you fancy a chat. Hope to speak to you soon.

Please delete this post

Please add me, Beckmiester#2563


Could you add me to btag, for some chat, decrakass#2249


*2/2 HC

Battle of Dazar’alor:

  • 1/9 Mythic
  • 9/9 Heroic

Raid Days (Servertime):

  • Wednesday, 20:00-23:00
  • Sunday, 20:00-23:00


Is a raiding guild, consisting of old and new players, We came from the guild Gits , that have a history all the way back to vanilla. and have always got AHOC .

What is the goal:

Our goal is to do regular mythic raiding with a group of like minded individuals.
The ambition is to clear the content while it is current, but the mindset we have is that we go as far as we can, as long as we’re having fun while doing it.
This means that even if we don’t clear everything, at least we’ll have had a blast trying and knowing that we did our hardest to get where we are. And that is good enough for us!

What do we expect:

We expect our raiders to always bring their A-game to raids.
People can have off-days, and that is alright. Just as well as people can have Real Life emergencies, which obviously wont be a problem either

for more infos contact me:
Btag: c0re#2104
Discord(prefered): jaycore#8306

if ur still looking……
Hi Wanderer, your friends are all leaving the game and you’re standing there alone? You are looking for a home and someone who covers you?

Then look no further!

Who are we?

We are Blazed Redemption - now read it first to the end. We are a new guild formed by several friends who have already experienced a lot together in this game. We as Team don’t just want to grow as a World of Warcraft Guild but as a gaming community also.

What are we looking for?

Raidmember,Socials and new players or those looking for a new place to call home are always welcome.

Tank : Closed
Healer : Open
MDPS : Open
Range : Closed

What do you get?

We would like to run achievement runs,mount runs and other fun guild activities on the off days, we will run m+ keys nearly everyday and try to get all our raiders a high key run every week.We’re like a little Family!

What are our goals?

Clear the current Heroic Content and we take our feets into the Mythic Content!

When do we raid and what time?

Progression - Wednesday 08:30-11:00 pm Server Time
Progression - Sunday 08:00-11:00 Server Time

You will only be a m+ player?

No Worries - We do our m+ runs nearly everyday!

How can I start raiding?

Have a mature attitude and be 18+
Add Niyaz#2188 or ingame Maknara or try sindorie - tarren mill in game

We’ve no gear requirements,we want players who know how to play the game, bring a headset, you should be able to speak, do not be shy and improvements in tactics are also welcome!

If you lack gear we ware more then willing to help you gear up, through dungeons and other activities

Thanks for taking the time to read through this post and feel free to stop by our Discord if you have any questions, we are always happy to chat. See you on the Battlefields of Azeroth!

<Yes Lad>

No we are not that crap boy band from X Factor, we are a 2 day a week Mythic raiding guild mainly from the UK made up of CE raiders and raiders of various Mythic experience from numerous expansions.

We are looking for skilled and dedicated players to help bolster our roster and are currently looking for healers or DPS but will look at others if they are exceptional or fit in well with ourselves.

We want to achieve a close group of raiders with a sociable team who enjoy having a laugh with each other but are focused, dedicated and show a willingness to learn the fights outside of raid, better their character and become the best player they can be. We have the mentality that we kill bosses as a Guild not as an individual so therefore personal responsibility and good initiative are needed.

If you feel you would be a good fit for us, please contact one of the officers listed below either on discord or Battlenet

Simon: Discord - Simon#7307
Battlenet - Simeysime~2335

Dan: Discord - Danbarton#6037
Battlenet - Danbarton#2163

Connor: Discord - Eridium#8463
Battlenet - connor#2565

Hi Oktoberfist

Id be interested in catching up with you both if possible, myself and a friend have recently come back to wow my friend being long term player from tbc days me not so early, we decided to re roll something fresh start do stuff etc so id be keen to catch up with you we are both older than 35 and myself is limited to evening game time, any way maybe we could catch up some time

Oh and not my DH sorry

Hey there!

loved what youve written sofar , I believe you both would make a perfect fit for our guild! but before I tell you why allow me to give you the basic information first in the hope that it will fit your criteria.

We are a weekend raiding guild on tarren mill horde - We raid Sat/sun 20:30-23:00 (when the kids are asleep!) We have a very casual approach to WoW in the sense that we only aim to clear heroic each tier with a possibility for mythic if we have the numbers and will for it.

Now about why you would make a perfect fit for us!
We have quite a few couples in our guild , crazy nuts for the weird convos! and whats a guild without some innuendos! if you get what I mean.

if this has caught even the slightest interest then I hope you will add my btag for further discussion :slight_smile:

Hey you two :grinning:

Prelude sounds like a perfect guild for you. We are a bunch of mature, mid aged people looking to have some fun together in the game :slight_smile:
To give you some quick background: Prelude-Dragonblight was formed on July 1st 2010 and has been raiding since. It is formed by mature (well mostly anyway) individuals with the majority of us being original vanilla raiders who want to experience the raiding content in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Our goal is to balance good progress while having a laugh with friends. As a result we expect people to come prepared to raids, ready to give their best game but who do not take themselves too seriously. The guild also has a strong social aspect with “Fun Runs” organised during the week and various mythic plus runs and mythic plus contests once in a while.

The raid times are 20:00-22:30(ish) server time (invites start at 20:00, first pull at 20:15) on Wednesday, Thursday and Monday. Currently we are lowering the raid nights to 2 for summer: Monday and Thursday.

Our aim is to clear Heroic content and we have always managed to get the “Ahead of the Curve” achievements so far. We are on 6/9 HC BoD and 2/2 normal CoS so far. (note: we have no aim to raid mythic )

If it sounds interesting add Misstaken for a chat: Thea#21766

Hey you beautiful human beings

<Contemplation> A Raiding guild formed at the start of Battle of Azeroth.

As a guild a few things you need to know about us;

We are a unique guild, we have players from all walk of life and disabilities. Cant talk, no worry. Cant hear, no worry. Cant see colours, no worry. Have autism? No worrys, we adapt and overcome.

We start our raids at 21:45 - 00:30, Mondays & Wednesdays.
Gives players a chance to get home from work, eat/shower and not have to rush to a computer screen first thing.

Our focus is to continue progress Mythic Raiding, establish a stable team, have fun, kill things and get loot. Current BfD progress being 9/9hc, and 4/9 mythic.

Friendly vibe in guild with helpful players, social atmosphere with an active Discord, and a lot of mythic keystones each week.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to /w me in game as Sevla or Sevlla , send an in game mail or add my battle tag xscreamit#2286

Hi all, thanks for all the posts, however we could not find anything really suitable for us, so have decided to start our own guild on Argent Dawn called Past It.

Much appreciated are all the offers :slight_smile: