Hydraxian Waterlords - Casual raiding guild recruiting [A, weekend]

I am a self confessed PVE carebear and am keen to try an RP server in Classic so count me in


70 ppl I see on discord!
Common, join the classic hype train!
Choo, Choo! :slight_smile:

A big thank you to all who have shown interest so far! While our raid team is not “full”, our recruitment will mostly be focused on physical dps such as rogues, warriors and hunters. That does not exclude any of the other classes, but it may be difficult (but not impossible) to find a steady raid spot for additional caster dps or healers at this point. Just dropping this here for the sake of transparency :slight_smile:

Hi, I like the idea of weekend raiding :slight_smile: Is NE Priest (healer) be ok for the raid spot or you require only dwarfs? I’d prefer rp-pvp, but I’m open for change. Cheers

cool look forward to bumbing into you

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We don’t require certain race/class combos, priests can be of any race. Have a look at the Gate Room (discord.gg/Y8KU7Yv) discord and chat with our raid leader!

Wish you raided on Saturday/Sunday instead of Friday/Saturday. Wish you guys the best of luck.

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80+ ppl on discord. bump!

Growing Strong

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