I am so tired of people not understanding how threat works

Dps out of mana is just a chance to position and build threat while they drink. You can continue drinking during combat so there’s no reason to wait for dps to be full before pull.

Healer out of mana = innervate healer and throw on some self HoTs before pull.

Tank out of mana (rare) is the only time I’d wait before pulling trash.


I was referring to Classic Andys - those that still think they are doing RFC or Stockades. it may be surprising but mechanics in TBC for some are “challenging” :wink:

yep and this is why GS was created back in WOTLK …and ilvl in CATA and later rio
people will cry so much cause now in TBC you don’t know who is good and who is trash player :smiley:

I pretty much never get attacked when pulling mobs. If you pull at max range and start running you won’t get hit until you decide to start the fight, unless you make a mistake

Feral tanks have always been viable in TBC, and you can see warrior and prot paladins complaining about the same thing in this thread.

Go troll somewhere else


Don’t feed the troll. Just flag him and move on


This is my coping mechanism as well.
It allows using leftover rage as well as generating some initial threat.
Fine, don’t pull right away, but a little early.

Overall, I find tanking to be a bit stressful.
Everyone is taught to try and win the damage race, and/or people don’t always notice that they have excessively high damage, often due to level differences.

That, and some tank specs are objectively messed up. Avenger’s Shield should be like level 20 ability. I get the idea that this should teach people to hold back, but in reality, they’ll just look for a better geared, higher level tank. Then again, why would I run a dungeon giving me 20% of a level…

All that being said, it’s often not a tragedy if a few mobs are loose. As a healer I don’t find it particularly difficult to patch people up, of course later levels can be different but by then each spec has its little tools.

Also, I can make a pack smoother on a paladin by drinking per pull, meaning 40-80 drinks per dungeon, especially as most shaman players don’t use mana spring, but it’s not actually faster with 30 seconds of downtime between pulls, that’s 20-40 minutes being stopped. Of course the damage dealers will be tapping their feet.

So my current mindset is to keep going, take care of the healer, the rest does whatever they want. I even have resurrection for them if they are suicidal. It’s their repair bills, not mine.
Especially when one dungeon is smooth and lovely and the other is a mess.

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Some players should try healing or tanking even once instead of dps role.


You don’t need to keep tank at 99.9% of hp all the time.
Even in retail where tanks has absurd self-healing - a lot of healers just start spaming tank when he is at 80-90% hp;

And as a tank i remove it before i actually pull xD


We have ancient saying of wisdom that solve many problems:

‘You spank it, you tank it’

Quite frankly, if you’re playing with one of those charming people who pulls without waiting for the tank (unless it’s a genuine mistake) because they are impatient then they deserve nothing more than to handle whatever mob, or mobs they’ve pulled without interference from others in the group. If they die then you ‘might’, consider allowing them to be ressed at some point, say right after the first boss is dead and looted.

Fortunately I never experience this kind of nonsense as I don’t do PUGs.


You do know that threat does not work as in retail, right? In retail you do 1 AE as a tank and you can not lose aggro the entire fight. Not so much in TBC.


Let them die from the elites until they learn

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They are however slower and much more methodical.

It isn’t just go-go-go twitch gameplay. You will fail if you don’t wait for threat or realise this is a time where classes had proper weaknesses-- you know before most classes didn’t have defensive cooldowns coming out their ears, self heals and such.

Much less action-RPG.


And get kicked out of group. There a lot of much better and smarter tanks out there.

As a tank, I never have a problem with DPS pull agro unless one of:

  1. It cause wipes, or close to them*;
  2. DPS criticaly break positioning mobs**;
  3. RDPS/Healer Runs AWAY from me, even when they need to be saved***.

Yep, that simple.
* If warrior or rogue took a few hits, while rocking DPS, and we are ok, I don’t care. It’s healers are of responsibility to keep people alive and to watch them not taking to much unnecessary damage to save mana. Not my. And even if DPS take A LOT OF damage, but healers thinks he can manage that, I don’t care either.
** If, for example, some mage cast blizzard and few mobs run toward him, you just run with them keeping mobs together. Yep! That simple!
*** If mage think he can manage mobs he pulled with aoe, and I’am ok with separate group of mobs, there is till no problem. Yep! That simple!

Even more, I LOVE when DPS can taunt few mobs. For example, if I struggle with thread and one or few of them runs toward healer/RDPS. Be flexible guys, use your brain, and adapt to the situation/group.


The job of the tank is to make their best effort to keep the mobs on them and to stay alive.
If the others actively sabotaging that effort then it is not the fault of the tank.

thankfully such meme groups are not common and usually a few sentences can settle any issues


And do you calmy explain to those people which mess things up what they are supposed to do?

Or you go like wtf are you doing? Are you stupid? And then: tank left the party…

These are levelling dungeons in new expansion. People are supposed to learn basics there. Does not matter its 14 or what years old game. Right now its new release and many people play it for the first time. Some people prefer learning games by playing them instead of watching guide for every single step and tryharding. Were you treating it like this on its original release where nobody knew anything and youtubers were not doing guides for everything?


More likely they role DPS because they have tried tanking and/or healing and realize it’s a drag.

Usually just saying : “Please give me 2 seconds to build agro”, works.
Polite words can more easily get through peoples brain firewalls.

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That should be enough…