I Bought SL for my EU account but it got to my US account

I have bought shadowlands for my EU account yesterday at around 18:00 am, it was on pending on my EU account until this morning when I woke up, checked it and amazingly it disapeared from my EU account transaction history, only to be found in my US transaction history as 'Complete".
Blizzard please, transfer it to my actual EU account, I don’t play on the US, I am not even sure why I have a us account.
I’m trying to file tickets but the system keeps suggesting me the wrong kind of ticket types.
How do I speak to a customer support representative about it?

(When I say account I’m talking about the sub accounts connected to your bnet account)

If you’ve paid it in U$D or a lower then usual expansion price then it went to the “correct” account. They cannot move it for you, but they can refund it for you.

Edit: See below Blizzard post for the auto refund page.

I was connected to my EU Account, I purchased in Euros, the email I got from them still links to my EU transactions - it was there Pending, how it would transfer to my America transaction history?
This is clearly a mistake on their part, I’ve submitted a ticket and got the “it will probably take 24 hours to get a response”
If they just refund me the Game for my US account how do I know this doesn’t just happen again when I buy it? mind you I couldn’t even play on launch because the transaction was Pending (on my eu account transactions…) for hours.

How much did you actually pay for the expansion?

Ok I see it’s actually in USD, but I don’t even have an active subsription on US, so it wouldn’t let me buy the expansion. how could that happen? I’m sure I purchased it for my EU account

There have been several posters who complained previously that they got directed to the US store page somehow.

I’m afraid that we know now for sure that it was an US expansion purchase, you’ll need to wait until the support agent on the US side picks it up :expressionless:

It didn’t redirect me, as I would see the transaction on the US account. It was pending on my EU account for hours.

I have same issue.

I play from Hungary and the base game is in EU.

When I bought the SL from Blizzard launcher I got it in US … wtf …

In the purchase method there was no region selector.

Same here. No option to choose EU version or such but still charges me in USD in the reciept

Hey there,

Most purchases made for the wrong region should be possible to refund using the self-service over here, without having to wait for a ticket.

Then just make another purchase on the website directly, making sure to double check the currency/region at checkout: https://eu.shop.battle.net/

Have a friend who got Shadowlands gifted to him from EU to EU on the battle net app set to the EU region and he can’t redeem the gift on his Eu account… Maybe there is a bigger problem here if more people are experiencing it?

Had the same problem, today I bought the N ew Expansion and I dont know why it went to the US acc, however, I dont have an existing US acc as I live in Europe, maybe it ws my mistake I didnt double check when i made the purchase but at least, Blizzard should have given me the first option to be in Europe as they can locate from what region the player is logging in… Anyway, hope i get a refund

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