I Don't Want to Play Fire

I haven’t been kicked out for playing frost in M+ or raids… or even arenas yet so idk. IF you were, you were unlucky but it’s definitely not a norm.
I raid frost because it’s easier to play than fire. In arenas I play fire because it’s too strong there. Simple.
And I do World Quests as arcane because two invisibilities make it so much faster that I don’t have to fight everything all the time

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What’s your highest key and raid difficulty out of curiosity?

We all might aswell roll marksman. Since blizzard gives absolutely no feedback AT ALL that they are adressing the issues, we have no idea if they plan to buff frost to be somewhat competetive.

I think blizzard has gone into a mode where no major buffs or nerfs will happen mid raid content/season. Meaning there will be at least half a year before we see any sorts of balancing.

I love frost. Its relatively easy and fun, without being one button only. I really dont want to play fire. I hate that spec. Its boring, its tolling on your mind. It reaquires so much micromanaging its exhausting. Its not really hard, just exhausting.

If a spec like marksman is this far ahead, eventually soooo many will roll it just because they have to, just to be able to even get invited to grps. Just look at world first race. the hunter class stacking was insane. One fire mage was invites just to ensure they had int buff, otherwise they would probably have taken another hunter.

BLIZZARD, IS SOME FEEDBACK TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR? There are always blue posts on these threads like “if you were an animal from the game, what animal would you be” and other game threads.


Mages wont need all 3specs to be top tier…

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Been playing fire with my frost gear on including glacial frag the last couple of days, still ending dungeons doing more damage than my frost mage… that seems logical right?

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I wish you all were here back in Nighthold when those who dared play fire were laughed at because of just how strong the double ice lance bug was and how badly 7.1.5 butchered our scaling. None of the frost mages cared about that back then. :frowning: :frowning:

We don’t. I certainly don’t, and I am sure many who give feedback and mean it do not want it either. It isn’t about top of the pops. It’s just very disheartening to be forced into specializations - “just one talent swap away!” and whatnot. Arcane has barely ever been “top” tier. It’s like a firework - dazzle and glamour, but then completely fizzles out and crawls to a hole when Evocation is on cooldown.

We are no Paladins. We cannot respec to another role to brighten and refresh our experience. We have no self-heal. We are Cloth wearers. Our only job is to damage, and if we cannot damage… might as well just make Mage a 1-specialization Class.

Edit that now I have almost fully re-rolled to Discipline/Holy Priest. It’s been a lot more fun wherever I am - open-world, Torghast, the Key level I do (just not Raiding, to be honest).


Then dont play fire mage.
Previous expansions, fire mages didnt play frost for the same reasons as you.

And as I said to another poster above you, thanks for the validation that not everyone agrees on giving. :cookie:

Did you just try fire for 30 minutes on the dummy or also some raid/m+ with it on the side?

I was worried as well I would not enjoy it when I tried it out, felt clunky and a bit reflex heavy. But since some raids I’ve started to enjoy it more then frost purely for the resource management for combust.

I’ll admit I’m still learning atm but I’m slowly getting better at it and with it enjoy it more as I grow into it.

Mandatory ‘play what you want’ note. Just wondering in general, still pissed at the hack and slash before launch at frost myself.

ME TOO. Only realised after getting back into the arena after a couple years away that Casters don’t feel fun for me. I know that they probably are, I just need to show them some love, but I’m always drawn back to Melee and feel more comfortable.

Yea i think you need to have a good try before judging, i switched back to night fae for reset and have been playing fire for 2 weeks. Started the first week just questing to get rotation and muscle memory down. Been doing keys this week. Its super enjoyable inside combustion, but the polar opposite outside of it.

Fun spec but i personally prefer frost which is getting buffed on reset so happy mages all round :slight_smile:

frosty getting buffed??

Yea 9% buff to all abilities on next reset.

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