Yfaihyafdmad Yfaihyafdmad Yfaihyafdmad
Read the thread title, and was just about to recommend Preparation H.
Well yeah, it is a common condition amongst shamans. Or is it Shamen…?
Anyway, I suspect shifting to Ghostwolf has something to do with it.
Even Zovaal might feel a burning desire at times.
Desire, for what…?
I know that after he goes to bed it’s Snoreghast…
I hear that stuff is ‘piles’ of fun…
I’m so resisting the Austin Powers joke here
stop using such memes plz
What is racist about that meme? Because its a black woman?
Would you say the same if the person was white?
But its fine for you to call woman “street walkers whole sale there bodies” ?
Ofc, everything he says is correct, Dae!
Shamen and shawomen to be precise
You mean Shawomyn.
i also had a burning question … but the vet sorted if out with a quick dose of penicillin
He does what every smurf does, makes sure his smurf berries are safe and sound.
The sheer, absolute unfettered state of america.
Jc… lol
Assuming the ‘spiky umbrella’ was also involved…