I made a sad realisation

I don’t know if it’s broken. The system will always aim to even out the shards in terms of Horde and Alliance. But players will have a natural desire to cluster up, so it’s not weird if the less-populated Alliance population will try to band together on the same single shard. That’s basically what the Horde have available to themselves on most shards by default.
If you happen to end up on the one shard that’s filled with Alliance players all the time, then that’s obviously an unfortunate outlier, because when there’s an overpopulation of Horde players, then it’s technically impossible for the majority of them to ever be outnumbered by what’s a minority of Alliance players.

I mean, 2 can’t outnumber 6 unless 6 splits itself into 1x6, and even then, 5 of the 6 won’t find themselves in the outnumbered situation.

I don’t play on the US servers, so I can’t really speak to their situation.
But to my awareness, then Warmode on NA servers is also in the Horde’s favor (glancing at the US forums seems to confirm that). They only have the oddity in the Oceanic servers, which have an over-population of Alliance (a bit like RP servers here have).

This is common, what probably happens is that someone gets killed a lot and cry in chat they do parties to kill everyone they see, i tell you that one time in vale of eternal blossom there was a fight of 20 people for this flying rare, people were just dying from boss, enemy damage, fall damage, at some point i think we forgot about the rare and just went on rampage kill both side. Can you imagine someone just loggin in flying to that place and see 5 alliance straight up killing him for no apparent reason?

You completely ignored the point the OP brought up.


I actually enjoy seeing this. Hope you leveling process will be long and painfull.

And i dont feel sorrow myself at all by saying this. If we counter all the times horde ppl gank/run away from fights like chicken when 1=1 fights and or get some “friend” to “revenge” them, after if you kill them etc… Turned back to every horde player trying to level their “furry dream” vulpera it would be veeeery long year for them to hit 120.

Or you can always turn wm off :wink:

On the contrary it is one of the best changes to the game - making world PvP always voluntarily and allows friends and family play together in same realm in a way that no one needs to feel forced or bad.

There are 100 and 1 things bad in bfA, but I personally find warmode one of the best change in game in past decade.

Loving War Mode, lottsa WPvP compared to my old PvP realm. Only thing I would change is get rid of separated normal/RP WM shards - waste of time and only causes problems.

I used to have it on, but I had to turn it off when the Russian gank squads appeared and after I found out that I’m always outnumbered. As a PvPer I love the idea of WM, but at the moment it just doesn’t work.

pvp servers would solve this issue, only join people who want world pvp. And warmode could stay in normal servers.

I believe voluntarily PvP is better - as every opponent is willing one. And thus encounters would be higher quality ones. I have never understood the notion of ganking and picking target that does not want to fight. With warmode - everyone has agreed on it.

No problems. PvP realm or warmode - otherwise 0 difference.


Oh… like we had pre-BfA. That worked didn’t it… oh, it didn’t.

This is much better. Those that want to world PvP can and those that dont dont. If you change your mind then fair enough.

The problem as I see it is there’s PvE rewards for doing it. Remove all rewards.

That’s how I feel as horde player on server Ravenholdt. Full of alliance on WM

It depends on your taste and expectations. I remember I had Warmode Off on one of my alts there were more Alliance players Warmode Off yea, but something felt off… something was wrong with Warmode Off. Those people around me looked like NPC to me, coward NPC’s :smile_cat: .

Alliance is underdog faction and actually I partly like this. Horde players think they are not in danger when they see Alliance and that makes killing them much more enjoyable. They have a strange habit of using /spit emote when you are about to kill them, I don’t know why but I guess they think they are immortal if they play Horde.

Besides since Horde is majority when we group up and destroy them with a few people it feels satisfactory. Even though we are less in numbers I find our cooperations much more meaningful compared to Horde because of this. We reversed roles with Horde, we are the underdogs now. You can follow the trend and leave Alliance to swap Horde like a sheep if you want to, you have that option yea.

This is quite ironic tbh.

Roleplay realms have separate shards for warmode so that those in warmode don’t get their rp (in warmode) destroyed by normal realm players (who are in warmode)
Its the same reason rp (and rpPvP) servers are all together now. ArgentDawn used to be alone on its own shard (same as moonguard USA) because both were pretty much full to bursting all the time with role players so didn’t need to be connected to the other rp based realms.
And both those realms used to have the zone phasing off (the one where pets and players would phase after short distance) because it disrupts the rp and moonguard were super loud about this on the us forums (AD were too but its rare they listen to EU forums lol) till they got the phasing turned off.

Then Classic arrived, bliz were short of PvP servers for it and I think they went and migrated some of the rp shard servers lol.
Now AD is once again part of the rp server whole, area phasing and all lol.

So people actually RP in War Mode? I woulda thought they could do their RP WM off. WM should be for WPvP regardless of realm type.

Well before warmode they used (and still use) /PvP like everyone else.
There are/were rp-pvp realms that were designated for PvP role players lol.
Its easy enough to rp in main faction areas and non contested zones.
(Though admittedly many choose rp realms more for maturity and atmosphere than to roleplay. Not seeing XxLegolasxX or IShootUDie running about has its advantages lol)

Well, I never did see any RP on my old RPPvP realm Defias. Seems like it would be a minority that RP in WM. But if went back to original concept of single WM shard types, those that don’t even care about RP-PvP in WM would go berserk hehe.

Sadly its true, in fact when the saurfang cinematic dropped, and AD had one of their rp’d events there were many confused players from the (as was) rp-pvp realms flying over the battlements of orgramar that time wondering just wtf!? was going on lol. And we had to explain why a bunch of alliance and horde peeps were standing outside in /PvP yelling stuff.
(And why they were not attacking each other)
Events would be organised via realm forums and discord and so on.
But the basic system was so you could have the same ‘thrill’ of leveling up on a PvP realm, but have the rules and protections (such as there were lol) of a rp realm as well
(Like no major character name, no famous book/movie/show ect char names and no random names like the IShootUDie guy and yes, I did actually see that one once, along with one called DutchLatex who I remember seeing back when night elves got mages. I don’t think they lasted long lol)

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War makes lonely by sowing division, fear.
Society can flourish, be lively, cheerful and creative when peace dominates.

I don’t care what the rewards are, I’ll never put warmode on. World pvp is just tedious and I don’t understand why anyone would want it.

If it’s your thing and you enjoy it, great! I just wish they’d stop dangling rewards to try and make me play a certain way.