I need some advice and tips on gaining better gear

i have very smooth experience this expansion - each tier get almost hc raid itlv .

dont need guild for anything .

face it guilds are relic of past only usefull if you plan to mythic raid or do high mythic + keys

The game is way more fun with friends though.

and why do you assume that in order to play with friends i need to be in guild .

have plenty of people to play with on real id and so many discord servers to use .

Ok, then we get to a definition of the word guild :slight_smile: What people usually mean with “find a guild”, it means search for groups/communities to play together with. Not only an ingame “guild”.

At 434 emissaries should give you 445 itemrewards, target all of these every day they are up. As far as i know there have been both items, azerite items and weapon caches in Alliance emmissary rewards the last days/week.

Then you wanna do Heroic Darkshore, also up on Allaince side atm as far as i know, there should be alot of groups up for it, just spam sign up for them all and someone will invite you sooner or later. Remember to get the quest first, as it awards you a 460 item.

Do 8.3 world bosses, current one in Uldum, can drop 445 loot and you can use your seal for a chance of 1 more item.

Do assaults and dailies in vale and uldum, this will likely you give you 1 445 item each.

Then apply for some keys as you raise your itemlevel, completing a +7 gives you a 460 item in weekly chest.

Cap conquest by doing bgs and call to arms quests, gives you a 445 item per cap, done in a day or two, first cap gives a 445 weapon.

thats actually really helpful mr.tauren. thanks

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If you never had to catch up or needed help - yeah, you can do without a guild. The moment you fall behind you absolutely need a guild of friendly people who are willing to carry you to get geared quick.

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Sell WoW tokens then pay gold to all those “M+ Boost” spammers, that’s how i usally get geared any way, Also the weekly event sometimes give ilvl 460 gear and emissaries sometimes give 440-ish gear

but why would you “NEED TO” be geared quick ?

this is why people feel so frustrated with wow nowadays because they have feeling that they shoudl be instantly geared

while BFA was extremly strong promoting long continuus gameplay though its whole duration.

for example - am i frustrated that my alts are runing mostly with a lot of 420 trinkets ? kinda for sure - but it didnt stop me from getting them to average 456 itlv and clearing on multiple alts 2 masks and slowly getting level 15 cloaks on all of them . and i know that when i will get them i will eventually play less so im not in super hurry to get them :slight_smile:

same is with weapons - would i prefer to already have 445 weapons on all alts ? sure - but then having “just” 440 on 4 of them doesnt stop me from doing content what i find fun way to spend time in game .

what im alwways advocating is gradual but stady growth of power in form of gear through whole tier/expansion - instead hitting “walls” very soon and then having nothing to do because you are not interested in higher difficulties but without doing them you dont have nay way to obtain gear.

thats why i so enjoyed BfA since its launch .

You won’t get an argument from me here. One little thing is that Blizzard encourages people to stay within the curve, with gear seasons that last only 5-6 months, the massive gear gap that comes from gear, especially between seasons, and the role ilvl plays in the entire thing. I am also a fan of taking things slow in MMOs, I think that’s the entire point of these games. But if someone wants to do m+ they just… can’t, unless they’re caught up. If you’re in a good guild, then you can, they will carry you, and you’re fine. But if you’re alone and want to take things slow, you’ll have to do WQs for quite some time until you get to the actually interesting part of the game.

My main issue with WoW right now is how long it takes to get to the good part. Once you’re at the endgame, doing mythics, RBGs, raids it is great… but it takes too long to get here. And I think this is why people want to catch up quick - everything at high level but before m+ is very, very boring. Mostly because it is too easy, the entire world feels like throwaway content, and this is sad. I really wish WoW would focus more on the open world as a source of rewards nd gear that matters.

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that is simply not true

ofc they can

all they have to do is put minimal effort and make group themselves.

also what they shouldnt expect is others carrying them - but there is ton of people ust like them around who are willing to join such groups.

yes that group may fail. but then its ok to fail sometimes.

if they refuse so its only on them .

if they think that its too much effort ? its ok too at least in BFA - because if you gear up solely via WF , emmisaries , dungeon events , solo visions you should eventually hit 460+ itlv when BfA will end from what i see and predict.

I didn’t look too much to other replies, I recently started gearing new hunter (so no healer/tank cheat specs), I am ~455 now in 2 weeks. This was my actions, maybe it will help:

  • I started on the very end of BFA dungeon week, which meant I got 460ilvl item fron 4mythics weekly. You can do that now for 445 item for timewalking one.
  • rushed to get my cloak, and started doing zones invasions/vision runs, since these gives 430/445 items.
  • Did darkshore hc for 460 loot piece.
  • did a low m+ level key, got 455 item from weekly chest, plus some residums.
  • disenchanted several not used azerite pieces, plus had residum from mythic chest, I was able to buy x3 445 (450) azerite pieces.
  • kept farming visions, soon I will be able to do full maskless run, which will net even more items (now I do 3/4 zones).
  • always do items emisaries
  • having a main helped a bit, since I can buy essences for 500 currency.
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You can do that after you spend all the boring time getting from 360 to 430, while doing boring, dead content like island expeditions and warfronts. In my opinion this is the main issue why people want to catch up quick. They don’t care about being at the top of the curve, but they just don’t want to do boring, dead content. BFA world content is simply boring. The questing is alright and once you’re done with that… it’s just boring. You’re saying “they can do this and that” but first… they can’t and second what they CAN do is objectively boring chores. And doing chores for a day is alright. Doing chores for 2 weeks just so you can enjoy the game after is not. These progression systems that Blizzard puts in expansions really punish those who do not keep up with them and Blizz should just stop it already.

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