I never given up on you, My Queen

and anything of lvling/talent overhaul is easier and safer done without squish,has 0drawbacks.
and no potential to litarly break the game

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Nothing a bit of glue can’t fix.

And by glue i mean Sylvanas ashes.

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Not before we kill the old dog aka Greymane.

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Naah, he’s mostly chill now.

jsut kill evryone at this point and Re do from after WC3 and for once and all fix the mess of WoW’s story and lore.

We have squish too. new max will be 60

only if we get flea bags dead pelt

Because half a dozen people said the story is bad, am I correct?

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“Remember, patience… discipline.”


You think the story in bfa has been good or told well?
aslo the writers only care for their epic cool moments

They dont care about concistency,or feedback cause if isnt praise its toxic

I liked the story, if you didn’t that’s fair, we’re all different here.

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ANd i think no story of wow has ever been worse by miles.
Id take WoD any day after bfa for gameplay and even story.

Your skull will make a nice addition to my mantelpiece.



Glory to Sylvanas!

Death comes to all who oppose her!


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