I think that nerf to disc priest on Weal and woe maybe, was strong enough, they are healing less, and now its equal as MW and Rdruid.
Now, I think heals are in almost perfect balance, yes, Holy priest is bad, but i think the problem atm is the dampening in matches. At about 50% its almost unhealable if there is a fury or assa rog in the enemy team.
But im sure about it, healers almost immortals in BG Blitz
So yes, this is a bit strange situation but the direction is good.
It’s so simple. They should buff MW monk around arena, and dissallow monks of being able to use transcendence while holding the flag (just as locks also can’t use port) as the unsnarable perma chi torpedo is already extremely op. issue solved.
I think rsham is not bad, it’s just bad because of the currernt meta that requires heavy moving because of the popularity of hunters, which creates alot of QOL issues with earthen wall totem. I bet now that SP is better, rsham will also be playable with it (rsp)(even though i think its unhealthy it will only be playable with sp or lock on your team)
holy priest bad and rdruid i guess lacks the throughput even though they fixed the mana.
I played 5 rounds of SS this morning. All disc priests.
Disc priests 40 percent of all healers over 1800. (I bet its more below).
Either nerf their damage or nerf their heals. People were crying non stop about pres evokers at the start, they got a hefty 30 percent nerf on heals, and now they’re just above Rdruid numbers in SS. How is that ok?
I think if they have to nerf disc it should be rapture, it’s totally op, it lasts for too long, its too many charges, the shields are huge, if you cc the priest on it it’s not punishing as he can just use the charges later.
They wont be undispelable, u will dispell it but they will covert into undispelable healing… which heals less than orginal but still protect some degree of protection vs mindless dispel spam.
This new talent wont protect you versus smart skilled dispels, when people dispel your hots in right moment but it will protect against dispel abusal when monkey press dispell button 200 times in game for high yield results.
Rdruid needed some degree of protection since time memorial, specialy when today almost evry class in game have dispell in their toolkit
Thats problem with discs… they have best damage, and best healing in same time… this cannot stay… if we have healer which have no damage its logical that this healer will dash out more healing than disc… But disc priest class design defy logic, paesants woud say: you cannot have sheeps and money in same time, but discs have… Anyone else suffers misery because their current state.