I was falsely reported, how do I defend myself? [SOLVED]

I have the name and server of a player who said they reported me for Gameplay Sabotage. This is false and I want to open a ticket to report this player for taking a malicious action against me.
However, when I opened the Support pannel I couldn’t find anywhere that fit this category. The only way to report a player it seems is by right-clicking their profile or their name. But I can’t do this now.

I always try my very best in rated PvP matches, I have never left a match halfway through. Never went AFK. Never sabotaged my team.

Would really appreciate some advice on how to defend myself.

Unless you got mass reported - those reports going nowhere. Otherwise you’d get auto banned.
This system is not only in wow, but in any social network around.

I was in a LFR 3 days ago and someone got mad because I won 4 bits of loot off the last boss. He asked the whole raid to report me and started swearing at me in the group chat. Nothing happened to me.


Stop spreading misinformation, the greatest penalty by being “mass-reported” can be given automatically is a squelch which is a temporary removal of social functions.

If there was real mass-report “ban” capabilities, players would just report bots left and right but the problem still exists.

Hopes you reported him for harassment


Yeah I did. some people in the raid turned on him. I hope he got banned. Less players like that in game the better.


I assume that’s what the guy wanted when he said in chat he was reporting the Priest for sabotage. To get other to do the same.

But is there anything I can do now?

Nobody get banned. Forget it. Blizzard cant resolve botting and rmt problem so no person will bother with random nonsense

Put it very simply, if somebody reports you (or threatens to do so) for something you are innocent for, you have nothing to worry about. There is no need to open tickets or to do any other action to defend yourself, somebody reporting you for something you did NOT do won’t cause a ban, suspension or other actions on your account.

That said, as a general rule account actions can only be reviewed AFTER they are applied, and exclusively by submitting an appeal through the relevant procedure, as explained here.

Putting my hands forward I would like to also remind everyone here that disciplinary actions are not a topic for Forum discussion, as mentioned in the Forum Code of Conduct :slight_smile:


Sorry for hijack this thread.

My story that i played some epic bgs today, and there was a “funny” named rogue. This rogue leaching honor (aka afking), doing nothing. Multiple people called him out of that, and got removed.

On my latest bg, the very same rogue did the same thing, afking at the starter zone, doing nothing. I called him out and he got kicked. After 10-15 mins, i got whispers from him that he made a ticket about be, cos i abused the kick system, saying “i will be banned for a month and enjoy clown”. Like for real? The afker/leacher making ticket about being removed?

So to see the picture:

  1. I cant abuse the system, since multiple people vote also needed to be removed.
  2. I cant reply to him back since he ignored me (so brave indeed).

So i also made a ticket to defend myself, hopefully nothing happen. Will see.

Under which category did you make the ticket?

“Ongoing harassment” has an option to open ticket.

Hummm. But what you described doesn’t seem like “ongoing harassment” to me.

Well since there is no “harassment” ticket option, i chose what is closets to it.

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It’s a shame we can’t contact GMs about isolated incidents anymore.
It sucks that Blizzard fired many customer support workers some years ago. Now here we are…

Yes, old time was good. Could open a ticket any time.

Saw a gm once in tbc karazan, cos opera bugged.

He flew in as a murloc, ressed the boss and killed it. Then he flew out through the wall. Was hella funny.

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Can someone lock the thread, please? My issue was solved and there’s no point in bumping this thread to the top with off-topic discussion.
Also, don’t discuss bans here, like Felranys warned in their post.


you got the 7 days suspension for “abusive chat” because you wrote something that was against code of conduct and to see your response in another threat i understand why you got that 7 days suspension.
being mass reported dosent give you that but reports on something you wrote got you that suspension so maybe think of what you write ingame and not being toxic :sunglasses:

happy to hear your issue was resolved :sunglasses:

Pvp abuse suspensions is fully automatic. Same as others.
He gets reported enough - he get suspended for a day or someth.
Last thing. Be sure both of your tickets went right into the trash

that is wrong since bans and suspensions isnt automatic and the only thing you can get is a silence.

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