Idea to make Lakeshire quest for the horde seperated from the live area for low lvls

I mean Lakeshire is a nice place but I believe it is a poor design choice for 120s with wm on to be able to gank low levels, if the questline was in its own instanced version then lakesire wouldnt become so empty.
This is mostly from me leveling in Redridge mountains then getting ganked by 120 hordes, which would be fine if low levels had a chance to fight back.
or maybe even make a debuff so that when the horde turn into that little girl thing htey can’t attack low level ally players, and they cant fight back?

Another “I turned War Mode ON, but I have an idea how game should avoid WPvP for me”…

there is already a solution - turn WM off.

or there is a much better one - like for example this:

Good luck!


Yes, but it defeats the whole point of it, turning of wm due to a quest that could have a simple fix, just in general ally players are encouraged to use wm (with the extra xp and rep). However by having quests like these where 120 players are going to low level questing zones and with no drawback to killing low levels it feels unfair. having something such as not being able to kill players while doing the quest who are below a specific level, as an example look at stitches in duskwood, now when you fight him its in an instanced version of the map, something like that would be nice.

That is the point - it doesn’t need fixing.
This quest adds game-play value for WPvP - place for potential conflict, for players to get their mains, for events like that Invitation above to happen, etc.

WPvP is not fair, it never was, and it shouldn’t be because if you want “fair” PvP - there are BGs and Arena for you, and WPvP, being unscripted and unfair, makes it a perfect environment for players to create content for other players - like ganking and ganking gankers, for example.

You pressed that button that said you enable PvP mode and will give you some % bonus to compensate for possible time loss. It doesn’t say that this PvP will be fair.

If you want something to be nice without PvP - there is an option for that already - turn War Mode OFF.

And down to morals, some people leave low levels alone, its just the fact that low levels are so powerless which has led to me thinking about what could be done to manage a potential turn off for low levels using wm.

You see, that is the part that Blizzard really thought through - for every low level who can’t be in such an immoral environment as WPvP there is an option to turn it off.

Just need to take control of that greed for %s.
Can’t take it ( WPvP ) - then this % reward is not for you.

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Uh, the whole point of War Mode is to have the risk of “war realism” in game. The whole point of War Mode is the risk of being, and ability to, gank. There is nothing that needs fixed

So they need to be coddled and given more entitled treatment for doing nothing?

The Alliance gets the increased War Mode bonus even in situations where they outnumber the Horde. They get higher incentives to play and then expect the Horde just to “play for fun”. That is unfair, not what you are complaining about.

Then switch off War Mode. Why should you get the War Mode buff at all if there is little-to-no threat of being ganked or attacked by the opposing Faction.

You are literally demanding “I want the bonuses without taking any risk”.


I love killing 120s at Lakeshire and Three Corners - pls do not remove a WPvP objective from game when we actually need more of this… 8.2 is coming!


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