If Kael'thas can't return

Then make Lor’themar the King of all of Quel’thalas. He has earned that right by now. Rommath has always supported it and I would love if he gets a conversation with Kael in Shadowlands who passes the mantle of leadership about the Sin’dorei on to Lor’themar. King Lor’themar Theron first of his name, lord of the blood elves. Do it Blizzard. Quel’thalas had no king for the longest time. It is about time to fix that mistake and make our current government legit with actual reinstalling the line of royalty.

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All quotes about Lor’themar by you in the last few days.
Would you make your mind up already?


If I had full narrative control over this certain story I would have Kael’thas returning and make him the king of the blood elves. If I can’t get that I take the next best thing instead. Lor’themar.

John J. Keeshan is the only WoW character who actually has credentials to become the blood elf king. No one else will do.


I think Gallywix had some Sunstrider blood, too, though…

personally i vote for silvermoon harry to become king he clearly has the right thinking


That’s Erevien tribute from irl. Don’t doom us all.

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Except he doesn’t want the title and it wouldn’t make any difference really. He already is the leader of the blood elves.

Perhaps he might do it if things get serious with Thalyssra, to start their own bloodline, but who knows.

Lor’themar doesn’t want to be a King. But Quel’thalas is still considered a Kingdom and in a state of perma-interregnum. People of the Kingdom have no problem with that and genrally accept Theron as a leader until he scores a major fak up.

Then some opposition may rise against him and boy he would wish he took the crown then. Aside from that I have no idea what is his design for the future of Quel’thalas. Turning it into Republic? Hardly a fantasy setting.

Or maybe assuming Suramar model where non-hereditary leadership rules. Or maybe Thalyssra will find his balls and helps them to descent into his sack to finally make a manly decision.

Or the statues of a certain Elf all over Silvermoon will become relevant again sine he will score a major redemption arc… along with half of the WarCraft 3 hero rooser.

It may mean that Blizzard will reach the state of creative bankrupcy. But ultimately it is better than material exhaustion caused by not having anything to move story about.

If they give kings back to the elves, why not go full arthurian? Create a young hero, make them a saviour in dark times, make them cleanse and master Felo’melorn, make them gather a following before finally being acknowledged as someone worthy to lead their people.

Or just stick to what you have and keep your dictator as a dictator…

They reaaaaaally want to do this with Anduin. As for dicatorship. Well Alliance for a change is for the treat with Turalyon and his little Holy Light crusade. Greymane is gonna be new Saurfang that forms opposition against him.

And Horde really needs some Heroes of it’s own. Even if it’s old ones. Alliance has nearly it’s entire WarCraft 2 and 3 rooster. Minus Arthas and neutral Khadgar.

Horde was emasculated from nearly all it’s leaders. Sylvanas being the newest casualty. Thrall is literally the only one left if we exclude Rokhan and Rexxar that were only present in the latter’s campaign.

Kael’thas as the unsung victim of TBC could use some justice. Both figuratively and very literally. I don’t expect him to become King of Quel’thalas right out of the bat. No. Dude will have to do some working in order to win his people’s trust back.

This should prove that fandom still likes him.


Here fixed

That is what whole expansion time will be about for him. And with the amount of work put into rehabilitating him I doubt they would leave him in the drain afterwards. Blizzard that is.

Even if he won’t come back as a living breathing person of flesh and blood. I assume we will see more of him in the future.

No expansion wont be about bringing him back to the living, its about saving his soul and give the chance to atone for his sins, avoiding eternal torment in Maw

Honestly doubt that, this is solely done to honor the great Blood Elven prince and smear off some shame from his name, basically fixing their own damn mistake

I am postivley optimistic that he will lead the Venthyr into the Horde. It fits perfectly. Two covenants for each faction.

I doubt they would join anything, dunno why but i have the feeling that there will be low faction’s influence there. Besides it would be a gigantic middle finger to those who joined those others coventants.


yes. /10chars

Saved this one to use it after SL! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

kaelthas is way cooler than lorthemar so i approve this