If they removed sub fee do you think the game would become much more popular?

If community game is bad right now imagine if it was F2P.
just see how forums are full of trolls and people that just complain about the game but don´t play it

If it was free to play there would not be any incomes for Blizzard to develop new content, unless they introduced an ingame shop. So no it’s not a good idea.

I mean it would become more popular, sure, but the quality of the game would go down the drain, the focus of content release would be directed to funnelling everything through a cash shop and the attitude and skill of the community would be, somehow, worse.

Hilariously enough, in the long run F2P MMOs generally cost more to play than P2P because of how egregiously they nickel and dime the players.

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^This, I don’t think most people realize how old the average WoW player is lol

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Then don’t.

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At it’s height (sub’s. wise), I would say ~21-25; now I reckon it’s more like 30-35, and not because the game is 10 years older… more like those that are left are likely to be older players with those that no longer play being a larger proportion of a younger demographic.

Games seem to become terrible cesspits when they go free to play. It will probably mean WoW’s days are numbered.


More popular, yes of course.

If they keep the expansions at the price they are at right now, it would still keep out quite a few people and they still sell really well so it is not like Blizz would be dying for money.

If that would make the game better though is the question and depends on how they monetize further (Given Blizz would never just take the subfee away without replacing it unless the influx of players is so massive that bought expansions make up for it which seems impossible.)
Free to play does not mean pay to win (most Mobas are blatant evidence of that with a lot of people like to ignore) but development time would need to be allocated to cosmetic stuff that is for sale only so the game might suffer due to that, then again it is not going great right now anyway.

The game would have a surplus of players at the begining due to the chance of players to play the game without the sub wall.

But i believe it with also bring more money due to the microtranzactions that are going very well atm.

But it wont be a thing that lasts. Why?
Because blizz lacks originality and content.
They used to be unique and blooming but now they perfectionized in recycling since we all love to do it and they also adore Remastering since they aim at the younger generation. That means țhey adore fishing so they must work hard in developing the bait out of scarps.

So the game will have a blast for the first year then end up like the rest of free to play games and even worse then curent state of wow unless they get some help or push for the fame and glory.

If WoW went F2P it would also become PTW that is 100% guaranteed.

The biggest issue most players have with the game at the moment is all the ever increasing amount of RNG involved in every aspect of the game, Blizzard do not do ANYTHING for the game unless it creates more income revenue than before, its business , its all about revenue income first and foremost.

Add F2P which will inevitably bring more RNG plus items and progress through Paywalls , that’s how FTP games work and also practically all of them also eventually fail too, just remember NOTHING is ever for FREE.

Blizzard seem to be surviving financially at the moment by keeping players subbed through constant updates of future content promises that they never keep, its slowly but surely wearing very thin, but they keep getting away with it and will keep doing so whilst pushing how much they can get with.

I don’t think it is.

The sub has been the only constant over the years (apart from the raise in the fees).
It’s been a sub game at its highest and lowest points.

Going free to play wouldn’t necessarily kill the game - but it would change it irrevocably. You’d just be exchanging one set of issues for another.

Personally, if it goes F2P is time to call it a day for me.


The question is does any game need a player base made up of people who can’t afford €10 per month. In my opinion it is better off without those players.

If WOW went free to play then there goes their revenue stream and the game would die quicker. WOW would have to find a replacement for everyone’s monthly sub purchase.

It would probably result in pay to access features, zones, expansions, etc. The monetization would have to occur so that the game could keep making at least the same amount of money it currently is.

13 million players played this game when it was MORE expensive.

the money is not an issue at all. i honestly dont see why some people complain about the money, its not that much. if you cant scratch 14 measly euro a month, then dont play the game.


Wow has been " losing 1-2 million players in a few months " since Wotlk.

I’m pretty sure if we can count every single time someone said Wow lost a millions because of x or y we’d get to a 100 million or so which is totally accurate yo!

But then again why the hell do you care about sub numbers, play the game if you like it, if you find something that bugs you with it, you’re free to discuss it on the forums and submit suggestions and provide opinions, for example I hate the absolute mess that some classes has become and the metric ton of bugs existing in game, I try my best to discuss these and share my opinion on them.

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Actually it is quite the opposite, the current pattern is they sell millions of xpacs for €60+, then subs fall off, then they sell more xpacs.

Players come back every time there is an xpac. The game is 14 years and people with family commitments come back, play around with a new xpac, level up their existing toons, and then unsub until the next xpac.

They don’t actually leave WOW, more they just aren’t interested in the gear treadmill between patches anymore.

I think that’s a good observation.

If only subscription fee was the only problem in this semi afk/dead game that would be gr8

More popular more toxic and more P2W.

Seeing how greedy activision is they would definitely go SWTOR route and further beyond.

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