I think Shandris would get bored of me rather quickly and I don’t want to deal with the pain of being left by her. So a kiss is enough
Valeera ofc o/
Jaina, as much as i hate her.
Sylvanas, no contest.
Anduin hands down.
If I could kiss one lore character so that’s Jaina, because she is very powerful, lore good and sexy, you may tell me I’m sick but I just like Jaina, so thicc…
Really… I do through the addon Narcissus and um … scenes where I talk to her and so on
Am I only allowed to pick one? I’m imagining one hell of a night with Valeera and Illidan…
Valeera makes my heart melt
Guess my pick would be… Azeroth.
If it bleeds and talks, you can kiss it!
And that is pretty easy, kiss the ground!
My pick would be Darthalia Ebonscorch
A random NPC but when I got lost in Dalaran and asked for directions, her voice… her voice… I will never forget it. That violet eyes is something unique too.
Found another one. Vassandra Stormclaw.
I would go vegan for her. But only for 2 hours
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