If you could kiss one lore character

I think Shandris would get bored of me rather quickly and I don’t want to deal with the pain of being left by her. So a kiss is enough :slight_smile:

Valeera ofc o/


Jaina, as much as i hate her.

Anduin!! :heart::heart:


Sylvanas, no contest.


Anduin hands down.

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If I could kiss one lore character so that’s Jaina, because she is very powerful, lore good and sexy, you may tell me I’m sick but I just like Jaina, so thicc… :heart_eyes:
Really… I do through the addon Narcissus and um … scenes where I talk to her and so on :sweat_smile:


Am I only allowed to pick one? I’m imagining one hell of a night with Valeera and Illidan…

Valeera makes my heart melt :heart_eyes:


Guess my pick would be… Azeroth.

If it bleeds and talks, you can kiss it!

And that is pretty easy, kiss the ground!

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My pick would be Darthalia Ebonscorch

A random NPC but when I got lost in Dalaran and asked for directions, her voice… her voice… I will never forget it. That violet eyes is something unique too.

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Found another one. Vassandra Stormclaw.
I would go vegan for her. But only for 2 hours

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