If you could kiss one lore character

You ain’t gettin’ any kiss with that get-up. :eyes:

I’d kiss… uuuh… Bwemba.

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My character, or Valeera Sanguinar

I like long pointy ears.

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This is a great choice! That lovely dragon is wonderful and is soooo much better as a companion than Magni “I’ll teleport away, see ya!” Bronzebeard.


Azshara and Elisande (tho’ not sure the later one… after all, she had a ugh… Gnome for a concubine! )


Before or after transformation? :face_with_monocle:

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Well… before I guess
Tho after-transformation have some… certain beauty

She looked too generic before the transformation, but that could just be the graphics talking.

She’s soooo cuuuuuuuute.


Tess Greymane.
She’s pretty cool
And i will honor Gilneas too !

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Since this thread is still going, I will guiltily confess the picture it made me draw…


That’s an amazing picture! Please draw fan art of all of our crushes! You can start with Wrathion… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Lol, I… do not have that kind of time :smiley:

Maybe one or two of em, some day though :slight_smile:


King Rastakhan

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Ji Firepaw :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When you hug him in panda starterzone, he hugs you back - Imagine if he got a smooch from me :smirk:

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What kind of kiss? Like romantic and all?

I guess Flynn Fairwind, I imagine he would be sexy AF

Tzu tzu whatever that panda called.

She is the hottest panda.

And that is why I’m banned from Trycross.

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Garona Halforcen, then I let her to punt me :blush:

Wet kiss, of course :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would say Wrathion or Khadgar. Jaina if I was into girls. :smiley:

Y’rell. Multiple times.