If you don't multispec at least a bit on your hybrid class, you don't do yourself a favor

instead of crying you can’t get into a 4+ mythic + on ur ret or fury, maybe ask yourself, why can’t I equip a shield and a one hander and tank the dungeon instead?


If only I could equip a shield… sadly Priests can’t tank. :pensive:

but if u only spriest and never heal then it’s the same situation.

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Part of me agrees with you but I could make the argument that in a well designed game roles should be selected based on preference, not how much wait time you’re willing to deal with.


Because I don’t like the play style of tanks and healers.


I could carry a key as a dps and absolutely murder it as a tank.


I don’t enjoy the fire build for elemental shaman, and there’s no viable alternative because of the tier bonus, so I play resto shaman most of the time! (I know, it’s not the issue you’re talking about.)

It was actually a bit of a problem for me, because there are several healers in my social circle. A newer friend I’ve been running keys with also sometimes wants to play her resto shaman, so I ended up gearing up my hunter alt just so I can come along as dps (BM hunter is the only dps spec I actually enjoy, and it’s stress-free). I’d tank on the hunter if I could.

Pugging/semi-pugging is definitely nicer with a support spec, though. I eventually get into groups with the hunter, but it’s not as quite instant. I’m more of a “one-character” player, so I hope in TWW the shaman’s lightning build will be viable again. Or better yet, the spec gets a rework. Then again, two characters is manageable.

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I think with the best will in the world, it’s impossible to get to a state where exactly 20% of players choose to play healer, 20% choose to tank, and 60% choose to dps.

There will be a healer/tank shortage until dps is not seen as the easy option where you don’t need to know as much and can just zug. If that ever happens, there will be a dps shortage :dracthyr_shrug:

Until then, I will spec heal on anything that can heal whenever I want to do LFR or even pug a normal raid.


Because me tanking end game content is literally just griefing. You do not want me tanking for you I promise.


yeah I’d prefer just mindlessly dpsing but if there is need for heal/tank i willingly switch because why waste time? i can do the job even if tanking is cringe :stuck_out_tongue:

How about make tanking / healing fun and i consider ?

Priests can totally tank…once

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Because it’s a game and it’s fine people don’t want to tank/heal.

I mean yeah sure in that case they should stop complaining but on the other end I get the struggles of a dps player when applying to groups.

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I took your advice, we had a sitdown over coffee, to have a discussion about specs, the answer is no we can’t equip those, this game is a hobby, we play it for fun and Holy/Prot is not fun for us. This would make us not want to play the game any more.

On the other hand I haven’t had any issues getting into keys as a Ret. I’m happily doing what I want in M+.

Personally I would far rather have a tank that knows what they are doing, routes, pulls, defensives, how to play that class. Same goes for healer, someone who understands when there will be incoming damage and when to use c/ds, what to look out for, how to perform their role. I’d rather not be with Jonny ‘I just equipped a shield’, drops dead a gazillion times throughout and makes the key deplete.

I’m all for someone learning a role they want to do. That’s totally different. Good for them.


Should DPS people start paying tanks and healers for their work? :smile_cat:
Or they could stop complaining about tank and healer shortage. :cat:

The tanks and healers play those roles because they enjoy those roles. And in the meantime there is a shortage of tanks and healers. What is wrong about reporting about that?

Pretty sure people complain quite a bit about incompetent DPS too. We’d all rather have people good at their roles when we do something difficult (:

At least she’s not forcing herself to play a role and ruin her own and others’ game.

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I was just joking don’t take that reply seriously that’s why I added the cats :cat:

But ngl DPS people get an easy pass, like me and my friend carried a sprist with 80k dps overall and now he has a +8 key… imagine get that luck as tank or healer :slight_smile:

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Honestly? As a healer I feel like I’ve been carried more often than I did as a DPS. A tank could solo heal so many things, they don’t even need me sometimes. I’m just there for show, maybe to just look pretty while everyone works their butt off to top the dps meters and that’s regardless of my performance, they just don’t take damage requiring a healer.

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You can always do dps while healing if you feel bored as healer :slight_smile:

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