Illidari RP (H)

Hey AD,
This is just a quick post asking Illidari RPers based on Horde where they’re finding their rp? I’m struggling to find a guild or community really.

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This might provide some insight. Good luck on the hunt.

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You can try the Highblood Myrmidons if your DH is interested in serving Quel’thalas now that the Legion has been defeated, they take in Illidari quite often, and Rynore Felbough, the Highblood Myrmidons’ Ancillary, is actually on the lookout for Illidari she can rp with


As the lore is right now, there’s not much for Illidari to do save for hunt slim pickings and fade away into obselesence. We were made to fight a war that we won, yay! Kinda…

So, what now?
Fight for scraps with your fellow brothers and sisters?
Fulfil your ultimate purpose and destroy yourself?
Go mad with hunger and be the target of one of the last hunts?

Or find something worthwhile to die for, like Quel’thalas and it’s people, after all, that’s why you went to outland to begin with, right?

We accept Demon Hunters, I myself love RPing the arc and would love to guide other Hunters into finding their final purpose.
Ask questions!
Check us out!
See you there :slight_smile:


Accumulate power, capitalize upon the Old God’s chaos and carve a throne of power from the bones of a dying world!

… is something a monster would say. :angel:


The server in general lacks options for Neutral Illidari. You could try some of the Neutral guilds that generally focus on the big bad evil threats and see if they’d accept a demon hunter.

Alright I agree with this too

sharpens my blades toward u

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Either you are charging or you just try to look cool by sharpening it towards somebody.

I remember the demon hunter meetings that used to happen. I miss those!

i am cool + ur neutral

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I believe you meant to write “and” not Plus. What is the “equals” then? :eyes:

God I wish - In the absence of a full on meeting community and discord I mostly occasionally drop in on things as a kinda edgy third wheel character. I do try and align Virenna with Silvermoon, as she became a DH for Silvermoon and will not stop fighting for it just because the Sin’dorei have joined the Horde.

Reading up it looks like what needed said has been said - there’s some guys like the Myrmidons who incorporate DHs into their ranks, I think Fel Hunt is still somewhere around and I occasionally see a DH tag on some posters.

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The Highblood Myrmidons, specifically, not to be confused with an Alliance guild called The Myrmidon.

i am cool + u rp syanidi on alliance using a velf

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Doesn’t really answer my question. What is the equals?

u = weirdchamp

x = weirdchamp.

L = Leiachamp.

I just wanted to fit in. :hugs:

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