Illuminate Your Wardrobe with the Heavenly Regalia Pack

Illuminate Your Wardrobe with the Heavenly Regalia Pack

Adorn yourself in the light and shadow of the cosmos with the Heavenly Regalia Pack, which includes two color variants, each an embodiment of celestial finery.

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if you going to do things like this , at least make weapons to match.


Just go F2P at this point.


If the light and shadow aesthetics of the items actually matched the light and shadow aesthetics in wow it could have been an interesting set, as it is, itā€™s just a completely random set. Not for me.


Ew, no. Pass.


Ah blizz always trying get more money from us. How about no. Focus on decent models included in the subscription not shi.t like this.


Stop :clap: adding :clap: so :clap: much :clap: to :clap: the :clap: damn :clap: store!


Grab your popcornā€¦


Easiest purchase I ever made, Looks great.

Well another trap for the stupid :joy:


Itā€™s impossible for non-boosters or AH goblins to make enough gold to buy these through tokens at the rate they are added to the storeā€¦

Hey how about you can buy whatever stupid rubbish you want that makes you happy and Iā€™ll buy whatever I want.

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Remember when you could play the game and earn everything in the game?

Seems so long ago.

Now Blizzard have gone full EA, it wonā€™t be long before you have to buy tier sets.

Expect WoW lootboxes. because youā€™ve never done lootboxes before, have you Blizzard.


They look cool but donā€™t really vibe with anything lorewise in the game so from an RPers perspective Iā€™ll pass. Yeah we got sun themes in the game but none of it really matches this Sol de Mayo aesthetic.

Honestly thatā€™s the case with most store items so in that sense Iā€™m happy they didnā€™t put for example the Blood Knight antorus recolour on the store.

As long as they keep adding the lore relevant mogs in the game Iā€™m all good tbh

Iā€™m glad they are adding so much stuff to the store. I always buy everything, so this is a no brainer for me, it just makes it so people like me who actually value the game get to show off over all the plebs who donā€™t want to support but they want free things. I really hope they add more exclusive things though like the brutosaur. Exclusive druid forms would be nice. Or special void form for shadow priest on store.

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Thanks Tah, I was about to write some ā€œexplanationā€ on capitalism before I saw itā€™s a ā€œ1 postā€ char thanks to your post xD :dracthyr_tea:

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You get a lot right Blizzard, so I will afford you this wrong. If Iā€™m going to spend even more money on cosmetics then they need to be very badass.

Am I though? I have a fancy new mog and you have tears :rofl:

No such thing as capitalizm. There are people who can afford things and people who canā€™t. Thatā€™s it. Nobody is conspiring anything, nobody is listening to you. There are no personalized ads specifically targeting you. You are simply delusional. Having money makes you realize this. I know because I once wasnā€™t this rich. So I have lived on both sides of the fence. I would know.