Imagine that Void Elf

True. The only thing they have ‘the most of’ at this moment is skin colours.
That is literally all. Their other options are very, very lackluster (and that’s a problem for literally all allied races; they all need to be given the 9.1.5 treatment, but that’s probably a bit too much to handle in one go - let’s hope the other races won’t have to wait ages for more customization).

Hell, some allied races really should just be ‘options’ for their ‘base race’.

Mechagnomes → should just be customization options for gnomes.
Mag’har Orcs → should just be customization options for orcs.
Highmountain tauren → should just be customization options for tauren.
Lightforged Draenei → should just be customization options for Draenei.
Dark Iron Dwarves → should just be customization options for Dwarves.

Maybe even the Zandalari trolls… Just give trolls options for all the different troll tribes.


We are in 9.1 though.

Was this thread talking about 9.1 customization options? No.

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I don’t disagree that Velf were a weird introduction to begin with, but that ship has sailed. They were introduced. They had limited fans but fans nonetheless.

Introducing Velf in the beginning may have been bad but introducing them and changing them into helf by the back door is ten times worse because all it’s going to do is upset both camps because the end product isn’t what either really want.

I mean finally giving us a race that is void themed is pretty sweet, and so far that angle of Velf is being totally unexplored in favour of stuff that doesn’t even distinguish them from Belf. It’s be like releasing mechagnomes and then making every single one of their customisations have nothing to do with them being mechanical “because people didn’t like it”.

For me, this is one of those instances where the ship had sailed and they should have dug down and then contemplated helf as a separate race further down the line. Not this ramshackle situation we have now where we have Velf with their unique thematic being totally unexplored but they’re not really helf either.

Compromises are bad and I’m going to be honest : allied races were a mistake. And I’m fine with Blizzard not giving High elves, what’s not is giving something that looks like High elves but ends up not being high elves, because they had to change velves a lot, pouring in ressources that could have been used elsewhere on more important matters.

There is no need for compromise if there are no void elves.

I quite like Allied Races, but I’m not a fan of Blizzard’s compromises either. And that’s not just with regards to race customization. The game design in general is rather permeated by Blizzard always trying to please everyone and often failing to please anyone, because no one ever gets the thing they want. You always get half the thing, and then the other half is given to someone else who wanted the exact opposite, and then the end result is some amalgamation of compromise that no one is really excited about.

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Coming from someone who told me that compromises were good because it allowed Blizzard not to catter towards one part of the community…

Velves were a mistake, because that follows this path : community asks for A, Blizzard gives C, which is far from A. Blizzard then gives B, which is way closer to A than C but is still not A. So the best thing was not to give Alliance velves.

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Yeah, for the game as a whole.
For me as an individual? Not necessarily.

I mean, Blizzard’s mission is to make WoW as popular as possible and appeal to as many players as possible.

A bland product that’s okay to everyone is a good path to pursue in that regard. Hence compromises that don’t spite anyone outright.

But personally that’s not always in the individual’s interest.

For me I’d much rather play a game that has flying everywhere or nowhere, instead of a game that has flying sometimes and somewhere.
And I’d rather play a game that has Void Elves or High Elves, rather than a game that has Void Elves that are mixed with a bit of High Elves.

But for the game it’s much better to go for the compromise and get a little bit of everything, because the goal is mass popularity - not catering to a select niche audience with a delicate taste.

As someone else said, then that ship has sailed. The game has Void Elves. What Blizzard wants to do with them and what they should do with them, that’s what matters.

It’s the Void Whispering to her (It’s in Three Sisters), you can tell by the font in the speech bubble. But yeah, the Windrunners have no claim to the throne anyway, they never did.

I think the problem is that there was exactly the same topic already in existence, that also was up yesterday, and that one got hijacked by suggestions to look less like Void Elves and more like High Elves too. This is a carbon copy, and is going the same way, That’s kinda the problem.

Sadly for -Void Elf- fans, this is pretty much run of the mill. Mention customisation for Void Elves, and suddenly people are coming out with customisation to make them into High Elves.

This understandably vexes people.

One day, we will have a thread just about Void Elves, not High Elves. But today is not that day (doubly so, it seemed : ( )

Sounds like you want an echo chamber where everybody nods blindly along with whatever the latest way to turn Void Elves into High Elves. I mean that sounds -real- productive, right? What if you play alliance but actually like Void Elves and don’t want to see them get kicked to the curb in favour of High Elves? Are you allowed to have an opinion then? Or if you play Both Horde and Alliance? Do you get half an opinion then? or are you allowed your opinion on alternate days? Is there a roster?

Or, here is a revolutionary idea, maybe stop complaining about people having an opinion just because it differs from yours? That’s not a classy look.

Umm, not really, but go on…

Umm. No. You mean 100%. (I kid, I know that was hyperbole)

Except she isn’t. She is not a High Elf anymore, She is a Void Elf. Blizzard have went to pains to stress this fact.

Well her look is unique, like most racial leaders, but also remember, the way she became a Void Elf is not the same as what happened to Umbric and the Player Character Void Elves, so it makes sense that she looks different. We also don’t know what any future Void Elves will look like, or even if there -can- be more Void Elves as nobody knows how to make them yet. Yes, I know about the Wayfarers and Scholars, but they are there to study the Void, we don’t know yet if they -can- become Void Elves.

The Tattoos thing is a Thalassian thing anyway, so should be rolled out to Blood Elves at the same time as Void Elves to be lore friendly.

Almost a dichotomy for these threads in a way. Umbric Looks like a Void Elf, Alleria Looks like a High Elf. Yet ‘Everyone’ looks up to Alleria, because she looks like a High Elf, nobody listens to Umbric, because who wants to look like an actual Void Elf.

Weird huh?

As of all current Lore information available (This may change with future lore) The latter, looking all High Elfy, is not in the lore. In the lore every Void Elf in existence, with the unique exception of the uniquely created Alleria, looks like a proper Void Elf. That’s what is wrong with it.

I genuinely assumed that the High Elf looks were given so people could play them as High Elves, as in lore, no Void Elves have pale skin yet.

Yes, at the expense of others receiving equal treatment. C’mon, it’s not fair on the Void Elf fans to have their own race’s customisations hijacked to make them look like another race, that’s the point here.

The Badminton/Tennis analogy made above is a really good one actually.

Anyway, I already gave my ideas for -Void Elf- Entropic Embrace customisations on the duplicate thread, so I won’t repeat them here.

Give DKs runic tattoos that have been asking since they launched, haven’t get any new unique options for many years, and then you can get whatever you want for your Legion race.

Give female dwarves beards.

Yeah but why? Dwarven women don’t have beards outside of Pratchett’s comedies and a couple of other RPG settings, not in Azeroth they don’t, surely?

Well if not that then bring ducks into azeroth :frowning:

Now that, definitely that, yes!

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Duck mount when?

One can only dream!

Is this alliance thing? Because i’m not seeing horde asking and crying for Nightborne to look more like Night elfs.

I just think the Alliance have a deep seated lust for blood elves at this point.

I’ll trade the blood elves for Worgens as Horde how about that?

There are requests for Alteraci Humans and Man’ari Eredar as playable Horde (allied) races. At least on the US forums.

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