Impressive influence reputation buff extended

so whats this getting replaced with? O.o

Nah some of us are very busy with this covid thing with family, so don’t have loads of time.

Bit annoying they removed it at 19.00 server time, instead of midnight. :confused:

I believe they originally were planning on replacing it with something that makes catching up on Alts a bit more of a friendly process. Not certain what format that would take mind…

I was just a bit disappointed that it only applied to Reps that I already have at Exalted, I’d have loved if it included Rajani and Uldum Accord, but equally older stuff. I still can’t face that tiny rep increase that WoD factions gave you, sill not got Laughing Skulls

Would have been nice if it even included the core factions, especially with the introduction of Heritage sets that need Exalted with the city of those races that have them available, but hey ho, we can’t have it all on a plate, just means I will have to bite the bullet if ever I want ‘Masked Chuckler’ as a title!

Is it gone? How was it :thinking: … Don’t be sorry it ended, be glad it happened or something like that, poetic words!..

Thanks for the reputation bonus Blizzard, I’ve made more or less 1 million gold with minimum effort thanks to it.

Its not a regular situation. 8.3 was released on january 14 and probably will end in november. Its almost 10 months long patch with the same (worst ever) raid and other stuff. Its not ok for mmorpg, you have to give something to players more than exp buff. Honestly they shouldve give everybody 3 free months of subscription, but they will never do so cause money is the main thing

i do think that something else needs to come, even if its a mini boss, something similar like ruby sanctum raid or whatever

Oh how fast people forget “worst” raids :smiley: DS was worst, then SoO was worst, then …
Actualy N’yalotha is a fun raid, as well as SoO was.

Nah, Most of the world is in lockdown, This has zero to do with entitled players demanding something, This has to do with many many millions of people being house bound and having nothing to do asking if they could have the rep buff kept in place, It quite literally costs Blizzard nothing to have a rep buff in place just like the XP buff is being kept in place until the SL pre-patch which will happen likely around September and by that time everyone will have had months of these 2 buffs, Zero to complain about at that point.

The cloak and corruption changes

By all account Ny’alotha is a great raid, Nzoth is a massive letdown but the 11 other bosses were pretty well received.

Other xpacks didn’t really had much more to offer in term of content, and the content draught was much worse for mop and wod.

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