Ingame calendar not working since update

Me nether :smiley: dont know mutch about this but it reminded me a bit of PHP documentation stuf, but on a wow lua fansite i com across these kewords with description info i have not seen if it worked ingame myself: API_date → date() is a reference to the function. It is put in the global table as the os module is not available.

GetServerTime() → Returns the current server time as a Unix timestamp.

Same problem. At beginning of the week we lost list of people who were invited to event. People who signed up or set themselves as tentative were visible in the list. Few days ago there was another update and now we see no one in the list.

blizzard where is hotfix for *** sake

even some ppl are online and they are not visible and they signed up so i see only empty calendar , that makes me to cancel my sub

Cross realm people seem to be not visible even when online

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Good to see this issue got the priority it deserved.


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Still seems to be bugged, people need to be online to see responses. Makes planning a bit of a nightmare.

I guess they weren’t joking when they said time works differently in shadowlands.

From what I can tell there isn’t a way around the ingame calendar either. The corresponding API calls to get the invites for an event are broken aswell, so we are stuck waiting for Blizzard to fix this.

Last nights maintenance didn’t bring a fix btw.

blizzard where is fix for azeroth sake

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Seems they broke it good. Still not working.

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yeah still not working here eather.

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At this point the calendar will be a Shadowlands feature :joy:

I personally suspect (and I do mean suspect) that this has something to do with the upcoming realm connections. They were originally planned for two weeks ago when it stopped working. As they are now happening this week, if it starts working, you may start calling me Psychic Shammoz™ (Trademark reserved).

US connections are tomorrow and there is a bug report thread I will check tomorrow. :slight_smile:


I can now confirm…

That I am Pshychic Shammoz™

It is now working in the US since the realm connections and maintenance. We should hopefully see the same tomorrow.

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Still an issue!! Come on!!!


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Not 100% asured its working cause of the ammount of people that still bothert signing up any more but i can see the crown person leader of calender event again and i see som people agian on the list signed up so seems like it working again here!

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