Ingame resolution vs screen resolution and what screen to get for MacBook - help please!

My 32" 1440p/144 monitor would like a word…

Any GPU with Pro in it’s model name is primarily a ‘productivity’ card - doesn’t always follow that it’ll be a great gaming card, due to different driver optimisations.

I’m also about to get a 32" 1440p screen now, actually :slight_smile:

And ok, good to know, ty! Would you have any recommendations as to what graphics card to get? I found a few good offers for second hand Razer Core X for under 200€ so I’m hoping to find a second hand graphics card that’s not more than 300€ at best.

For macOS it must be an AMD card, as Apple is really anti-Nvidia and only old Nvidias are supported at best.

You would have to look at: RX 580/480, RX 590, RX 5500, RX 5500 XT in that price range.

I am using a 27" 1440P and a 32" 1440P display next to each other and i can clearly tell a difference in sharpness between them (the 27" is alot sharper obviously).
If you are only using one display then u might not notice it, so it should be fine nevertheless.

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