Is it expected of Shadow Priest to do dispel work in Dungeons?

I at least appreciate it if a dps/tank dispels the debuffs i cant dispel myself (poison/disease). It saves me having to heal through it. Just like i use my interrupt, cap totem, purge, earthbind/grab, dps spells to help the run go a little bit smoother :slight_smile:

Yes. If you have a dispel, offensive or defensive, you are expected to use it in keystones. Same with Purge, Consume Magic, etc.

It’s part of your toolkit and you should be using it whenever appropriate.

Same with interrupts and stuns really.

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DPS is more often than not the least relevant thing to do. No matter what role you are. In order to become a decent player your priority should be in Interupting, Dispelling, Stunning, Movement and especially Survival (Defensives). Playing this game properly in terms of mechanics is more important for success and contributes more to your DPS/speed than playing your rotation properly does.

DPS will come automatically. What you must focus on are mechanics. This is as true for a scrub as it is for a top 10 cutting edge guild.

So, can it be expected of you? Absolutely, yes. There is nothing more important than learning about these things

And yeah, check your spellbook. read the tooltips. You have 3 different dispells as priest: Purify (Desease), Dispel Magic and Mass Dispel.


Well It’s expected of you to use all your tools more or less.

If the enemy have a dangerous magical buff you should Dispel it with with your offensive dispell or if multiple enemies have buffs then you can use mass Dispell.

Diseases are less frequent but if the healer can’t handle them(Shaman’s and Druid’s can’t dispel diseases) then it’s your responsibility.

Mass Dispells at certain points can save a healer alot of mana or even prevent a wipe… I sometimes dispel only one person because it may be needed at the time.

Much of the things related to be a good group player are to know when you should use your support tools and for Shadow Priests It’s Silence, Vampiric Embrace, Off heals, Dispells, Fear, Stun, Life Grip, Levitate(rare) and also dispersion. It’s usually not wrong to toss out a shield/Shadow Mend if it looks grim, even if hindsight a mindblast whould had been better. Seeing when extra aid Is needed comes with experience.

I however don’t condone people being pricks… There’s way more polite ways to get a point across to people then calling them names or otherwise.

These sort of questions most often boils down to a simple set of rules and roles:
Doing group content means that you and the group togheter take down the enemies infront of you.

If you are a DPS, your primary concern are to DPS the enemies while making sure you and your team stays alive. It’s just as important to reduce incoming damage to you and your team as dealing damage to the enemies. Saving another DPS:er, the healer or even the tank(or increasing uptimes due to dispels etc.) will always be more beneficial then your own Damage.

If you are a Healer, your primary concern are to help your team survive, but also to kill the enemies and reduce incoming damage. So yes when you become more comfortable healing you will spend every free moment DPS:ing or increase uptime for other DPS:ers, by for example speeding them up with movespeed buffs etc.


Its a part of your kit, so yes. But ofc no need to throw it out constantly but when needed. Its in your kit for a reason. Its the same as saying druids shouldnt remove enrage or shamans shouldnt use purge on mobs or paladins shouldnt stun when healing because “its not our job”. Also many dont get this but, as healer you should also dps in m+. So its also in the same topic in the end of you should and can do. And imagine if mages dont use speallsteal, its both dps loss AND lots of time saved.

Kings rest is a good example. the fearing mobs. You basically save time and help the grp out by mass dispelling them than trigger and kill them 1 by 1 and such. But ofc if only 1 dude needs dispel the healer should be fine, if 2-3 you should help out.

Expected, probably not, but it’s super useful to the group if you can. Everyone gets a better dungeon experience if you decide to do it, yourself included.

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