Is no one talking about the warband bank?

It feels like no one is talking about the warband bank, one of the big features, being down for 4 days and no signs of progress


There is rule n1 about warband bank. Noone talk about warband bank.


There was a blue post on patch day:-


They’re kinda working on it, no news in the meantime. A lot of stuff’s broken.

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Yes, but people would happily complain about guild services becoming free, but stay silent after both the warband bank and cross realm trading being broken for 4 days


What guild services have become free? They’ve removed some services, but nothing has become free. They are just obsolete with the advent of cross realm and faction guilds.


That’s basically what I meant, sorry I didn’t make it very clear

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Yesterday I tried inviting friends from another realm and it didn’t work

That is not good, yet no one seems to be talking about stuff like that

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You need name-realmname

I invited a friend on their puny posse character to Puny Inc the other day and it worked.

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We’ve been voicing criticism and venting frustration in the long post that Puny linked to. There is an equivalent post on the NA forum, too.

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I think maybe the player expectation is slowly forming around a fix with the maintenance on Tuesday/Wednesday.
So we’ll get the event, the Warband bank, and a bunch of other fixes.

And if we don’t get that, then it’ll be fun times on the forums.


I heard a rumour that every time someone tries to use the warband bank it sets the fix time back 5 hours.


What is there to talk about? There’s a blue post about it, what sense is there to make threads on it furthermore?


Really, you clearly haven’t been here the last four days and seen all the kids whining and crying and calling Blizzard all the names under the sun. To be honest it’s nice to have a short break without any whi…oh and then someone will pop up and ask why aren’t people flooding the forum with whining that the Warbank has been been broken for FOUR whole days! :rofl:

Really, we’ll live.


Not actually true. The feedback and debate have been largely civil and mature. I don’t know why some people are so hellbent on trying to give this community a worse reputation than it deserves.


Because not all wow players are adult children that cant comprehend a system that wasnt originally made for code that was probably made 20 years ago would cause problems and will take some time to fix and they are simply being understanding and patient instead of acting like a :clown_face: ?


Bro :fist_right: right on.

Maybe Blizzard being the mature company creating entertainment products for mature customers such as yourself, should instead not rush smaller expansions along with broken features and patches, all to gobble up more money from expansion sales that will now be coming 30% faster :clown_face: ?

This pre-patch doesn’t do a single thing right without breaking 20 other things, it’s an embarrassment.


Maybe you should realize that blizzard is owned by a bigger company giving them deadlines that they most likely cant change at all and they dont have unlimited time meanwhile they get lower pay than anyone else, live in a super expensive area for their work, and the management time and time again clearly show lack of care for their employees.

So maybe you should be mature and realize this instead of being the old man at a store yelling at random kids working there that has no form of power of how things are done.

Why do you act like this is something new? Its something that has been there with every pre patch and expansion release? Maybe you should get tested for dementia or go outside and touch some grass for a bit.