Is no one talking about the warband bank?

They are not extremly active at all. :smiley:

Right now in the customer support forums they are the most active, viewed ones. Again, you are wrong

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They are not. Couple of posts above last one are alredy over 24h old thats not actuive at all.

:man_facepalming: compared to other ones. This conversation isnt going anywhere nor helpful so i would appriciate if you stop trolling atleast.


I don’t understand what is there to talk about it? It is broken and we can’t do anything about it. When it is ready Blizzard will unlock it

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I agree with this.

Plus, we never had it, so it’s not like we miss it.


We’re not even in the US and you come here with this silly pretense to bully workers?
You clearly allude to phrases like “the customer is always right”, which doesn’t mean to wipe the customer’s bum, but to not disagree with them on matters of taste.

I wasn’t making entitled Karen comments there, the customer is absolutely not always right. However, the circumstances of their privileged place of work have nothing to do with the final product they are putting out, and if they do, it’s the employer’s job to care about that, not ours.

Again, we aren’t being charged less because of the fact that the game’s engine is severely outdated and held together by tape and sharding, sharding that itself causes a ton of issues like stuttering. What we should be getting for our money is a functional product that runs well on appropriate hardware, and that isn’t the case, especially with patches like this.

I’m not bashing Bob the coder who is adding map filters for pet battles, I’m bashing the entire company that greedily pursues shorter expansions and puts out broken patches in the process.

Dude is dead-set on shilling he’s gonna start counting likes on these threads now to prove a point lmao.


I know communication has been bad in the past but they are really on top of it atm. We had a blue post, explained the issue, and that it was taken offline, it’s even a high priority.

My guess would be that we may see it with the weekly reset. But they will update us when there is something to tell. I personally don’t see any value in daily updates of the bugs are still bugging, we are still working on fixes. etc. I see no value in an ETA when they literally can’t estimate how long it will take.

But then again I had being in a queue on the phone and those updates constantly tell me ‘your call is important to us’ etc. Just let me hear the hold music.

Updates tend to appear on the hotfix blog

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Its pre-patch, chill. This is the right time to iron out all the bugs before launch. I think they should delay 2 weeks and actually look after their staff a bit. 100% they are crunching now. A lot of them probably feel a bit burnt out after three days of crunch and need a break.

They know it’s happening, don’t worry.

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I’d love to be a fly on the wall to know what’s going on, how far along to a solution it is, and how broken it may be.

Maybe someone put their Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker into their Warband Bank and overpowered with all the wind it generated in the enclosed space and caused it to short out… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Imagine it meaning they’d have to start from scratch if they want to fix it.
That’d be such a blow.

Not that I care; as I’ve said before in other threads: The whole warband system does extremely little for me personally.

I wonder if these people defending Blizzard over ‘but it’s 20 year old spaghetti code’ would be so relaxed when say their old rented appartement has an old leaky roof or no running water? Do they still hold on to that logic that just because it’s old it’s okay to not work decent? That your poor landlord doesn’t get paid enough?


Coding and merging everything at the point new tools are created that create more problems .

At this point just wait for the Release .

Haha, not bad by BratGPT:

In the lands of Azeroth, a tale unfolds,
Of Warbanks promised, yet fate withholds.
Twenty years of yearning, our hearts aflame,
For account-wide banks, oh, what a game!

The pre-patch dawned with hope so bright,
But bugs crept in, a woeful blight.
Warbanks disabled, a feature lost,
In a digital sea, our treasures tossed.

A week has passed, no update seen,
Our gold and gear caught in between.
Maintenance whispers, “Hold your breath,”
But still we linger, close to death.

Oh, Warbanks dear, our hearts do ache,
For one more day we cannot take.
A tragic farce, our patience thin,
Blizzard, save us from this din!

In our despair, we laugh to cope,
A bugged out bank, our fleeting hope.
Yet still we wait, with bated breath,
For the fix to come, or face our death.

So here we stand, in virtual plight,
Warriors, mages, draped in sorrow’s night.
But soon we’ll cheer, and toast our fate,
When Warbanks rise, though they be late.

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Apples to watermelons. Even if WoW and renting were even remotely the same thing, what you are talking about is absolute bare minimum necessities vs a feature that didn´t even exist yet.

The roof and water are co0mbat and movement systems, and those are still in teh game. The warband bank is more like a free wardrobe renovation or a new Set of Kitchen Cupboards: moore space to store useless junk, and the apartment itself still works just fine without it.

This should be the official reason!


Wow, this is like my 2nd post or something, and I have a 100 replies already XD. Ty :smiley:

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