Misery loves company, they say…and there are definitely a few raincloud-personalities on these forums!
Difference of opinion is always a good thing but when it turns abusive, volatile, or just outright inane, it benefits nobody. That creates a reputation that is hard to shake or see past and if it is repetitive, then people deserve their forum bans (I only wish that EU forums dealt a few more 1000 year bans to repeat offenders)!
I feel sorry for the new players (not necessarily new to the game, just new to the forums) who share their opinion, hopes, wishes, etc. for the game and immediately get shouted down in quite an abrasive way.
I agree it’s rubbish and having been recently silenced for 24hrs for challenging a very obvious forum troll I can attest the so-called moderation on these forums is biased towards individuals and allows them to do as they please even when it is clear the only reason they got, spoken to in the manner they did is because they dished out at others and did not like the they got back in response and then they and the little friends who they have flagged you and have you silenced.
Then they continue to be allowed to post on here and you are Penalised for having the nerve to challenge them as well. The moderation in these forums is an utter disgrace and biased to a select few. I am no saint do not claim to be and by all means some of the silences I have taken on the chin but for a two year yes two bloody year period since my last major altercation on here I took it upon myself to keep my responses civil to others even when I disagreed with them or stepped away from here I even slept on it and did not respond till the next day in some cases did not respond at all.
Yet it would seem there is a known quantity of bias by the moderation team toward certain people who post on these forums and they will not take action against them but like the proverbial flies around they will on you if you step out of line.
I am merely stating my views on experience over my time on these forums this is NOT an attack on anyone in this thread I am glad someone has bought this up because the moderation of the forums is very much in need of a serious overhaul and fix.
Ye I don’t get why they don’t escalate the bans.
Some people here get banned every other week almost on purpose, with no intention of better themselves and immediately getting banned within a day or two.
Should probably slap a permanent ban after like the fifth time. Would mean I’d have to go but still.
yes, i’ve got silenced for a few days like week or two ago for being too much to handle for people, so yeah they do exist. Also the reason i’ve been silenced for are reasons that would make everyone laugh cause it’s so soft and harmless, and that’s why i know it’s a real person getting offended behind a screen and not a robot
Because the game has nothing to offer for new players. You can’t progress in this game except you’re one of the chosen ones.
It’s to bloated, too complicated and it punishes you every second you slack for a second.
No wonder people don’t want to waste time in dungeons and vote kick people. The gogogo mentality is a flawed game design and has been added by a minority of game designers around Ion and his fetish for elitist content.