Is this the best rp server for horde?

Is there a lot of random rp? :slight_smile:


It’s the only active european RP server, so my default answer is yes

if random walk-up is your dig, Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honour is a good place to hang. I’d really recommend finding a guild, though.

I’d recommend the ones listed in the opening post of that thread in particular :slight_smile:


The horde doesn’t have roleplay period, let alone random RP.

Go to Defias or something if you want horde RP.


EDIT: The above poster probably hasn’t looked around. Orgrimmar, Wyvern’s Tail in particular, have regular roleplay occurring. Some days might be less active than others.


Asking if there’s horde RP on AD is like asking if there’s a war in Ba Sing Se.

There isn’t.

You are clearly an authority on this matter as unsubbed OOCer


This poster has several times over said that they aren’t even subbed + they don’t RP

Don’t take their opinion on anything RP-related seriously : )


I’m subbed now, actually. Comes with the epic pre-order.

Great times for all.

I’m the foremost authority on RP, despite still not logging in.

Best server left on EU for RP irrespective of faction tbh.


Better than Stormwind RP.


I really wish people from a different realm weren’t allowed to post on a realm they don’t even play on or RP on. Then again, if they did, they’d probably be found in the den of debauchery that is Goldshire where they belong.

But yes, AD is pretty much the only big RP realm on the EU and I’m sure there’s a guild that has what you’re looking for.

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AD is the most populated RP server on EU, active overall.

The Horde has plenty of RP, but you’ll find it mostly within guilds. I suggest you choose carefully who you want to RP with and make sure the community you’ll select will fit your tastes.



Agreed. Goes for people not subbed to the game as well while we’re at it.

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The rather amusing thing there, is that said poster constantly bashes RP, despite never partaking in it, and until (self professedly) recently even having a subscription. I would be highly sceptical of their opinion on RP on either faction to be honest, I would go as far as to say if they told me it was dark at midnight I would ask for a second opinion.

Argent Dawn is the only Roleplay server left. I’m sorry to the people on Earthen Ring, Sha’tar and Moonglade who keep a flame flickering, but it is.
Of that, 70% is Alliance, 30% Horde (Percentages may vary depending on races/classes, but that is the average) Even despite this disparity, there is more RP on Horde side than there is RP in total on other Servers.

Both Alliance and Horde can be guild based (Trying to RP with human characters can be a Nightmare if a Gnome, or a Dwarf, or…anything not in their paradigm of what a fantasy world should be, instead of Azeroth, Likewise you still get Orcs going around behaving like Garrosh was still in charge)

You don’t need a Guild to Roleplay, in fact most RP Guilds would prefer it if you joined them as a fleshed out character already, it makesit…just more fun for everyone, Character first, then find a Guild that suits, is not a bad way to look at it, because heck, that is how your character would see things as a natural progression.

But to reiterate, yes, Argent Dawn is the best RP server for Horde and Alliance for that matter, IIyadris does not speak for anyone other than their bitter self, and do -not- go to Defias for RP. PvP Yes! Totally Yes! They’re one of the few servers with balance, RP, yeaaah no.

Ignore anything IIyadris says and you should be good.


Best advice ever.


You sit upon a throne of lies.

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Join the Forsaken rp Discord bro :slight_smile: and welcome!

Over the years, the other RP servers have mostly died off, whereas AD was always the biggest. Most people eventually came here.

The server is huge, so I can guarantee you’ll find what you’re looking for.

You’re not a clown, you’re the entire circus.