Is WoW in it's worst state it has ever been?

Hey guys, apologies for the headline, not trying to make it sound like another one of those QQ threads, i’m just getting a tad irritated with the state of the game, particularly BfA… I’ve played this game for a long time now and i haven’t had any of these problems in any of the earlier expansions… What i’m refering towards is the constant sharding messing with my game systems, i’m getting constantly Disconnected from the servers every 1-3 hours, areas lagging in a 2v3 PvP battle etc.

I was just wondering if it’s just me or if anybody else is experiencing this issue? i can run nearly any game i want on Ultra settings without as much as a lagspike, but World of Warcraft? not anymore. Have you had this problem? did you fix it? if so, what did you do? :slight_smile: i got addons running, but not an insane amount.


Kinda failed there. :rofl:

That’s because previous expansions had more fun content.
You’re much more willing to take the bad if there’s enough good.

Can’t say that I have. Maybe its because I play on an RP server where sharding is more limited.

Quite a few people are seeing the same lag and disconnects, and have been since 8.1 or 8.1.5.

Personally, I just assume that whenever I enter an invasion zone, I’m going to hit weird FPS irregularities, but I also see it from time to time randomly.

Check out the Tech Spport forum to see stories from other people:


Yes it is lol


This expansion is pretty much over, there is no room of improvement at this moment. Everybody with a slight amount of brain cells knew once the 6 month dreadwake deal was made, that the expansion was over when it comes to the development aspect of it.

Next expansion there will be improvement and after 2 more expansion, they can probably produce a game that is as good as wrath of the lich king.

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while i too thought this would be about the state of gameplay in BfA (which is poor), this is a tech issue.

while i personally don’t experience issues anymore as i have a comp that should handle it, there is an issue i guess at hand.

wow is 15 years old, and still using the same engine, architecture etc etc.

now more than ever, inbuilt obsolescence is a thing. how many things do you own that are over 15 years old?

i know, i know, some people will have stuff that is. i do. but its not in the majority. especially with tech.

so maybe there are even deeper issues with WoW that nearly none of us have considered?

Why do you think they are still using the same engine and software architecture?
The game ist still actively developed and has been that way for 15 years.

I would honestly be surprised if there was more than a handful lines of code left from the original release.

We do have new graphic features like DX11 / DX12, so the graphics code was updated.
We do have sharding and cross-realms, so the server technology was updated.

The game is imho far from being 15 years old technology wise.


I usually keep two computers. I leapfrog them. When I get a new one, I keep the older as a backup and second screen. I started BfA with an “older” one because my main one had failed and I didn’t think the combination of components I’d have to replace was worth it.

That “older” machine got me all through Legion, not with great performance, but well enough, and I was surprised to see it surviving in BfA. Until 8.1.5, when WoW became unreliable. It was still working fine for everything else I wanted to do; it just couldn’t run WoW reliably any more. :frowning:

So I sighed and got a “newer” one - 8700K, 1060, all the trrimmings, too much RAM, SSD, all that. Not a top-end gaming rig, but more than plenty.

And yet still I notice the glitches. Unlike on my older machine, nothing breaks, and if I wasn’t looking for it, I mightn’t notice it, carried by the overgearing of my hardware. But I do see animations getting just a little choppy for no reason and then find my FPS has tanked - and 2 minutes later it’s fine again. And every time I go into an invasion zone I can be sure to see it.

It’s not about the game being old, because Blizzard have obviously kept updating the technology and the code. Just listen to the undertone of horror in their voices when they discussed having to support a Classic client, and watch the presentation about the building of the new Classic client. WoW is the Ship of Theseus - every part has been replaced. The problem is not with old code. The problems are in the new code.


I still have a feeling the random dissconets, have to do whit some addon, what addon it I am not sure, but think it is some of those,scanning your char, like raider io, any pvp addon that announces what spec you are, also DBM, Bigwigs who pretty much shows what the other person is doing, so when you enter hubs like boralus, raid, battleground, or even world pvp, the server can not handle it, and crashes you out, I am not sure why though, but I have noticed this are the places I can get a dc if I get one, and almost never if I run whit pvp off.

I don’t have the connectivity issues you are suggesting, so I’d probably look to something you are running addons and such to determine the cause of that problem.

The game has issues no doubts there but only a few are game breaking for different reasons.

no, entertainment media is, it seems to be either all aboard the hype train for mass produced huge budget recycled fancy special effects and explosion extravaganzas with no substance (Anthem), or small budget criminally overlooked independent masterpieces (Laura Shigihara’s completely charming Rakuen).
games have changed to meet the fashion…mayve WoW will do what every artist says they will do and go back to their roots, maybe with the glut of post apocalyptic zombie games it’s time to go back to Northrend with a completely reworked combat system…or more mounts…-.-

We’re not even in 8.2 yet, and you think it’s over already ? Yikes my dude, remember legion ? Trash in the start, fun in the end.


That is the problem with current wow. They throw at us 10 dungeon at start and nothing new comes out for half a year…

M+ really brought fresh air but this having just 10 dungeons will get boring quickly.
Classic = 20 dungs
TBC = 16 dungs
WOTLK = 16
Cata = 14
Mop = 9
WoD = 8
Legion = 13
BfA = 10

See the problem? We have dungeon oriented xpac which just 10 dungeons.

We all know raids won’t bring players to the game and M+ is kinda hyped now since it doesn’t require such commitment as raiding. Yet we just have 10 dungeons. With 1 mega dung coming over in 8.2

This is not even close to what we had in first 3 xpacs.

They throw at us everything they have at start instead of adding content steadily but at faster rate. Like 1 dung per month. Starting with lets say 6 and having 20 at the end of expansion.

Legion had exactly 10 dungeons at release as well, so no I dont see the problem. The same goes for most of your list. Don’t compare end-of-expansion state with start-of-expansion maybe? 10 is a good number to start with in a M+ setting. And they are most likely adding more in future patches.

Yea, so then you come to the forum and start crying why there are only 6 dungeons and why are blizzard time-gating everything end not just release everything they have ready anyway, right?

While this is true, the newer expacs dungeon, cata and forward, had way harder mechanics to deal with not to mention more unique ones, not just interrupt that or CC this.

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While I agree with Cata dungeons being challenging content before their nerfs, I wouldn’t say it was harder than BC like Shattered Halls and such. Mechanics changed sure, since we drifted more and more from mono-target controls to more AoE wide effects.
But I don’t feel like it was -that- much different, it was challenging noneless.

I have absolutely no idea of what I really want to say :thinking:

Game needs more mounts.

Cant think of a worse state honestly. At this point in BfA I would call Warlords of Draenor a “Flawless Masterpiece” in comparison.


That’s being super dishonest, WOD was, and is the worst wow expansion.

Horses! :horse::racehorse: