It's actually insane how many keys you have and how often you press keys in WoW

This is likely just old age creeping up on you. I’m approaching 30 and played 300+ APM specs just fine in MoP, like Fury Warrior or Gladiator Stance in early WoD. Now, my hand aches half way through the first key on my Prot Warrior. Prot Warrior like Guardian Druid is extremely spammy with shield block/ignore pain being off the GCD.

Rebind stuff to your mouse would be my suggestion. I can’t spam 123 for hours straight anymore. It is what it is.

Its likely a specific part of your hand messing you up too. For me its the tendon that works your ring finger. Anything that uses that one rapidly will wreck my hand pretty quick, so if I do spam with my keyboard its anything that doesn’t use my ring finger. Worth trying it yourself.

Nah, I also used to have hand/wrist pain from spammy games, when I was in high school even. Perfectly normal. Now, my hands are just extremely trained, so I don’t have pain anymore, but honestly, wow is very very bloated and way too spammy, when it comes to keybinds and the gcd between abilities is way too fast in my personal opinion. Slowing the game down has its own benefits. It makes it visually more clear for example, and it makes your decision making matter more.

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Starting Legion onwards they took most of the tanks defensive rotation off the GCD, which in theory is a smart decision as it doesn’t lead to situations where tanks die because they pressed, say, thunderclap, when they should have pressed shield block.

In practice though, you’ve just created a class that plays two rotations at the same time. They’re simple rotations - don’t get me wrong, but it still is two at the same time. If a regular DPS spec is 80-120 APM, most tanks are 200-300+ APM. It isn’t complex, its just very, very spammy. I think Guardian or Prot Warrior is probably the most spammy right now. I play Prot Paladin and it is getting close, though.

Not really sure what the solution to it is, but yeah if you’re someone who gets RSI fairly easily, tanking will do you in within 3 or 4 keys.

relative to what, though?

I played GunZ: The Duel - that game was 700 APM. SC2 is also 400+ APM during engagements. Games like League or even Overwatch are also very intensive on your hand and wrist. Fighting games, same deal.

Gamers by and large prefer these types of games over slower games where you press a button and then wait 4 seconds for your next move. I like those kind of games myself, but you would instantly kill the game if you tried to fundamentally change the spammy nature of WoW that has existed since day 1 for most DPS specs.

WoW’s combat is its greatest strength - and the best part of it is, even if you can’t stand spammy specs, there are a dozen that play incredibly slowly as well. For example, if you really, really hate spamming - probably best to log off your fury warrior and make a demonology warlock.

Logged on my rdruid. I have 56 keybinds which I use. I think there are way too many. Sure I’m a druid and get a lot more from forms, but all my other characters has 30+ as well. It was a lot more fun having 10-20 to worry about. Now I find it hard to press all my 15 extra buttons on my mouse…

Yeah, I used to play league before wow. League is mechanically challenging on your mouse, and it messes with your wrist, if you have bad posture, but there is a lot of downtime. Wow is mechanically less challenging, but it has straight up 40 minute dungeons where you spam 10 buttons as fast as you can without a break (mythic+), and I think wow is way worse for your hand than league tbh, unless you play league like a maniac. Still though, I don’t see how you are the spokesperson of every gamer.

You’re completely overexaggerating. Noone is suggesting a 4 second gcd. You said you are over 30, but your way to argue is very immature.

last time they tried to get rid of some buttons cluttering in wow it ended up in distaster because people on forums and reddit cried about every single usless spell .

which is a shame because wow indeed have way to many buttons to press for the speed of the gameplay it requires .

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sounds like you identified the problem then. this isn’t an issue in raids. it isn’t an issue in arena. it isn’t an issue in battlegrounds. it isn’t an issue in leveling dungeons. it isn’t an issue in the open world.

this became an issue when they decided to put an omnipresent timer that ticks down even when you’re out of combat and then made this content repeatable.

The GCD in other MMOs that do not copy WoW’s low GCD is typically 2.5-4 seconds.

No I didn’t

I’m not arguing. Blizzard isn’t going to increase the GCD. They literally already tried to slow down the game and remove a ton of abilities (WoD, Legion) and people hated it. They have spent the past 3 expansions speeding up the game back to where it used to be in Cata and MoP, which people typically point to as the golden era of combat gameplay.

actually insane that people would think that. Can’t we just go back to hitting mobs with swords, to see a big white number for once. Have anybody seen an autoattack in 8 years?

You can actually - swap your game version to World of Warcraft Classic and you can enjoy auto attacking from 1-60 with the occasional use of an ability that has a 30 minute cooldown, like retaliation.

I actually play both. It’s fun to get upgrades and actually feel a spike etc. I wouldn’t mind another ability squish along with longer gcds. However, this would mean that they have to change dungeon mechanics etc. Right now it’s too much to think about. Too many buttons, too many CDs, too many everything. I have 5 major CDs that I have to plan out before every pull and on every boss. These all change depending on what my dps does, as they have to press defensive etc. So now I have an additional 10 CDs to track. Pair that with every affix I’m forced into doing and to finish it off I have to do my dmg rotation which is 10 spells.

My solution so far is to log wotlk, throw some flash of light and then log back retail.

Edit: I honestly think I’m getting too old. I’m mid 20s atm, too slow. It’s like playing csgo, just getting worse.

Seriously just sounds like you should play more Classic then lol. Used to get it back like 5-6 years ago, they kind of robbed us of that gameplay during Wrath onwards, but theres honestly no reason for anyone who hates current gameplay to stick around when it seems like they’re knee deep in making Classic work and last longer than the 1-2 years everyone thought it would.

I personally tried to go back to the auto attack gameplay but I just found it frustrating knowing no amount of skill could overcome the guy next to me, also auto attacking, who happened to be the IRL friend of the raid leader and thus got prio on Bonereaver’s Edge or whatever.

Least in the current game I can compensate using my brain and hands.

hahahaha. Thats why you play healer! One button plus autoattacks, golden!

fair enough

Cant really say i feel the same.

I think 90% it boils down to ergonomics.
Had also the case that my left wrist would “cry uncle” 1 hour into the raid, even changed specs to frost mage (the ice lance spammer) just press 1 button right? Yet rapidly pressing that 1 button when your wrist is in the weirdest angle possible… you get the picture.

Took some google tips on ergonomics and now even after long 5-7 hour seasons, wrist doesn’t even remind me that it used to sore a while back.

It was insanely dull gameplay for me. It made for some amusing memes tho

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