'Just ignore it'

i loved that XD

2 down, 1 to go

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Is it weird I want to know your opinion on the British empire? Couldn’t you give a few hundred post discount?

Perhaps a little preview, a crumb to keep us on our toes

Be patient and just wait for the next round of vixi vs. Sig.

Well you see gamers; the truth is, it’s not even about the Empire really - rather, it’s about this thread

It’s been going so long, with so much emotion seething through its pages, that I worry our life energies have become irreversibly bound to it, as with Sauron and the One Ring - we’ve put so much of ourselves in, that when the thread dies, so too shall we succumb. Thus we have no choice but to keep it going indefinitely.

Alternatively, as above, but we’ve all collectively channelled so much anger into the thread that, feeding on our emotions, it’s slowly becoming sentient and will soon erupt into full consciousness as some kind of Chaos god - in which case we should really stop posting, but why not keep generating even more outrage just to see what happens ?

Either way, 438 posts remain

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Either you spill the beans or i’ll start spilling the tea to the point the entire sea will have that earl gray after taste.

It will be the yorkshire sea.



Éirinn go Brách

231* posts to 3000


Dang only until 1815? Wonder what happened there my French friend :smirk:

Rule Britannia intensifies

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Adding some Wilhelmus because the Dutch helped.

The Prussians. :pensive:

The Dutch fought valiantly in the Dutch Grenadiers!

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damn, a flagged post got removed, have the mods finally gotten around to purging this thread??

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One of mine was flagged and then restored :thinking:

Don’t think any of mine have been flagged because I’m extra special :blush: :relieved:

ABBA intensifies

SmÄ grodorna

Since we’re just empire flexing:

Okay, so it didn’t go all that well. Imperialism is kinda cringe.


I think it’s more like a gentle pruning, which is all you can do to a plant that’s grown and twisted itself into an eldritch horror.