'Just ignore it'

Nah Churchie didn’t care for white lives either.
Australia will always remember Tripoli.


Nah gamer a real gangster cares for all his homies -

But on a serious note, since this suddenly got quite dark quite quickly;

Even as a patriotic lad, I’ll be the first to acknowledge - Churchill’s handling of the Bengal famine was disastrous at best, utterly callous at worst. Despite numerous members of both the Indian Raj government, and his own domestic UK cabinet begging with him to take action, Churchill unfortunately refused to budge on the issue, leading to catastrophe

So all things considered, the real gangster in that sorry episode was Lord Wavell, who upon becoming Viceroy of India in 1943 immediately cut through the crap and moved the army into relieving the famine ASAP.

Was it too late? For sure; but at least Wavell did his upmost to try to resolve the situation as soon as he was able to, whereas Churchill only began to try to relieve the situation half heartedly when it became politically inconvenient.

Does this mean I hate Churchill? No; but to quote the man himself, the famine most certainly was not his finest hour.

…C-can we go back to music posting now? :cold_sweat:

Woebloom started it by mentioning Blair!! I finished it by pushing our ‘great prime minister’ into the bin where he belongs

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In fairness to Tony though, he wasn’t so much a mortal Prime Minister as he was the incarnation of some ancient Aztec war god; can we really blame him for acting within his nature?

Jokes aside; god I love my country but GOD we shouldn’t have followed the US into Iraq good grief

And see now we made it political; which I suppose will keep the thread going infinitely longer!


Off topic. when is next event, KAITYLINN??

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RuLe BriTtaNia


Implying that isn’t the single greatest photograph of a British Prime Minister ever taken

I don’t see Pitt the Elder waving the flag from a zip line over the Thames, do you?!

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Don’t mind if I do :sunglasses:

Winston Churchill was a white supremacist whose views on race were extreme even for his time. He talked about the ‘higher stock’ of the white race, dismissed the Bengal Famine as ‘Indians breeding like rabbits’, disparaged the ‘slanted’ eyes of the Chinese, and thought that white people inherently more capable than black people.

That’s barely scratching the surface of the kind of man that he was.

He’s the subject of totally uncritical hero worship in the modern UK, a situation engineered by past and present Conservatives that skirts over the fact he was unpopular enough to be elected out of office in 1945.

Very stinky indeed. No wonder Johnson idolises him, he loves it when people love him without the barest understanding of the broader circumstances. The most Churchill has going for him is that he was arguably a ‘necessary evil’ to see us through the war.

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I see you too have watched that LonerBox video on the man!

Nah but; again, as a patriotic lad (I have to keep stressing this because I believe it is entirely possible to critique your country’s politicians without getting into a weird loathing of your country in its entirety!!!) - I don’t disagree with a single thing you’ve said.

Churchill was very much an imperial hardliner well into the 1920s and 30s, even when most of his fellow Tories had long conceded the game was up (at least, in India); hell, even in the Late Victorian “heyday” of Empire, he was considered something of a zealot.

Now, did he have the foresight and gumption to lead us on through the war, when many other politicians were willing to consider capitulation to the Reich? Absolutely; and credit where credit is certainly due for that.

But, again, even as a patriotic lad, I’ll admit Churchill may be more popular today than he was for most of his own life; and it’s possible to reconsider his position as our greatest PM without, I think, stripping him of the credit he does deserve.

With that said, our greatest Prime Minister was definitely William Gladstone and I’ll hook anyone who disagrees right in the gabber (in Minecraft).

Alright well we’ve talked about the most gangster prime minister. But I think it’s time we considered the one with the best facial hair.

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Lord Sailsbury

No contest.

Man and here I was thinking Churchill was just a cute dog bobblehead trying to sell some insurance.


Ohhh yesss.


Would you also agree that Churchill stripped Neville Chamberlain of the legacy he deserved? Chamberlain is largely forgotten as the man who attempted to appease Hitler (with that famous moment where he returned to England with his white paper and a claim of ‘peace in our time’), but we know from his private correspondance, to his sister if I remember correctly, that Chamberlain knew exactly what kind of man Hitler was – and was buying time for the country to remilitarise.

One thing I like to emphasise is that he decided to invest hugely in the RAF, without which the Battle of Britain would have likely gone very differently.

He knew the horrors of the First World War and was determined to avoid them – this was naive in hindsight because Hitler’s war was probably inevitable, but it was a broadly shared perspective at the time. He wasn’t some idiot ignoring the common consensus.

There’s some quote that involves a cab driver for Chamberlain saying that ‘what Bertie [Germany] does in his own back yard is his business’ regarding (I think) the partition of Czechoslovakia.

Of course this is all off the top of my head, so could be bits and pieces that aren’t accurate.


Twas most likely that. If not, it might have been the annexation of Austria or some Lithuanian port.
It was when Poland got invaded where Chamberlain was pushed to go to war.

From my recollection, Chamberlain was also eager to go to peace during the entire time of which Churchill stepped up with his famous fighty attitude.
I hope we got the good timeline.

I’m an A. J. P. Taylor stan, if you hadn’t worked it out.

Oh very true; Chamberlain is probably unfairly maligned as Churchill is overly praised

Just to clarify; I wasn’t referring to Chamberlain in the pool of politicians who were willing to surrender to the Reich - as you say, Chamberlain saw very well the sort of man Hitler was, and despite some clear missteps in Central Europe, did his best to buy time and shore up the RAF. He 's actually a somewhat tragic figure in British politics- a victim of circumstances, while Churchill was able to ride those same circumstances to glory.

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i find it hard to praise either chamberlain or churchill when i remember that if either one had their way, my peoples culture wouldnt even exist, churchill in particular.

No lives matter” - Winston Churchill, presumably followed by a wicked laugh and lightning striking ominously outside the window in the perpetual English rainfall.

We live in a world that has transcended satire. What’s next? Voting the Queen’s corgis into office?


I mean he was a Tory.