'Just ignore it'

Bless the fuzzy lumps.


Only one question: Why the Tillylied of all things?

The outer walls of my parent’s house are made mostly of bumble bee hotel. They are very comfy neighbours.
Bless the fuzz

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The Fluffy buzz is made of friendship
the no fluffy buzz is made of hatred and spite.
meditate on this.

why not in my hands :pensive:

The worms live there

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“Post hidden by community flags.”
“Flagged post restored by staff.”

eat pant


I once yawned in the bus and a bee flee straight into my mouth, now that was a test of patience.


I once missed my morning alarm only to awaken in pure dread at the noise of not one but TWO wasps that came in through my balcony door 5 minutes later.

Never got up that fast in my life.

That is nasty because you got to get rid of them fast.

Call me Arizona Ranger cause I had my big iron ready

(the vacuum)

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‘‘Welcome to the Argent dawn forums
 Please reset your mind between each thread with this complimantary video on our behalf, Please enjoy your stay.’’

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It was the first result that popped up when I googled “Thirty Years’ War song”.

So objective laziness.

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I return to view the forums after swearing to never return, only to see people posting historical song? Maybe there is hope after all.

To the Urals

Why so, did I trust England?


((We do not have a lot of fancy music pieces in Finlandia unlike you western lot))


We have lost SÀkkijÀrvi but, we still have the polkka.

And for solidarity’s sake. :sweden: :handshake: :finland:


:-DDDDD ebin ihana piste :-DDDDDDDD

The inner fight between the desire of a greater Finngolian Khanate stretching across the Urals vs the secret dream of being “Östra Rikshalvan” again :pensive:


The Baltic Sea used to be freshwater until the collective tears of Swedes and Finns alike pooled into the water as a result of the traumatic separation and century of tyranny that followed.


Reject cringe separate Swedish and Finnish national identity
Embrace unified identity (Just become Fennoswedes lmao)
Mend the wounds that began in 1809

We can become a dual monarchy and become the new Austro-Hungary, although with less military embarrassment during the great next world conflict

Swelandia? Finden?

This new people will simply be known as “Chads” living in the nation of “Based”. As it was meant to be before we were separated.