'Just ignore it'

Really? I’ve mostly just been huffing the glue. Need to get a buzz out of something from these things.


Here I thought there wasn’t even glue left, just a crater where the horse used to be.

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need to beat the horse in hopes of something actually sticking i guess

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“Several people are typing”

A frighteningly real consequence of naming and shaming people for “badrp” is that nobody can be trusted to dictate what is good and what is bad.

For example someone once reported me to my GM for not having my DK be fully kitted out in Saronite and carrying a runeblade in the middle of the city, saying that I should be gKicked for lorebreaking.

Problem is, there was no lorebreaking. It was a perceived slight that caused these people to simply decide that I am badrp. It was 2 years ago and it still lives rent free in my head.

Allowing badrp to be treated in the same way as genuine predators is perhaps one of the worst ideas I have ever seen and people should be ashamed for even suggesting it. I don’t care about “overlap” or “potential” because if you’re going to lambast people over the IDEA that someone MIGHT be harmed then nobody is safe.


I will literally not do anything else untill I see Teller’s reply.

That’s why we’re making the glue.

But seriously, yeah. I think the problem of online predators is one that will never completely go away – the most we can do is be vigilant, protect younger & more vulnerable players from such behaviours, and report/call out what we do see.

What I’d want to avoid though is turning these into less-defined witch hunts. Roleplayers depicting a smooch between characters isn’t ‘degenerate’ behaviour to be scorned and disparaged, for example. Finding characters having private, non-sexual moments in the world doesn’t deserve being lumped into the same group.

That’s why it would concern me about any player becoming the decider of where the line between appropriate and inappropriate can be drawn. We all know what is egregiously wrong, but the line gets murky after that. There’s a lot of excessively puritan players, who seem to believe that anything physical or romantic is simply a prelude to NSFW naughtiness.


Alternatively it could be that the attempt to rally AD into another crusade against things they don’t like but don’t actually affect them has failed, and now they want to move on.

(Though the horse is still dead. Very dead. Poor horse.)


I don’t like nonces and open sexual degeneracy around children. If I need to call a “crusade” to see that stamped out, then Lord have mercy.

Yeah, it sucks. And this game sucks even more because of it but what can you do.

What would be aggressively enforcing something to you? What if you’re a guild master and have someone, to you, was lore-breaking? For example, I was an officer once and invited someone who I later found out was doing Bloodborne RP. Needless to say, if they didn’t change, I’d have kicked them.

What are your thoughts on this?

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Well, for instance aggressively naming and shaming that person (who isn’t even part of your guild) on public channels for generic bad RP?


We can curate our guilds, absolutely. They’re our spaces and it’s up to us to decide & enforce standards within our own circle. Guilds are fundamentally private, though, whereas the realm is public – that’s the difference. People have the right to exist and roleplay on the server without being told to ‘get better or get out’, but they don’t have the right to impose themselves on someone’s guild whose standards and requirements are different.

If that makes sense?


No-one here’s disputing that sexual predators are bad. You’re using a straw-man argument while ignoring people’s legitimate concerns about needless naming and shaming for “badrp”.

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Yeah. We’ve already established naming and shaming people for bad RP isn’t anyone’s place. Truth is in the eye of the beholder.

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And who are you to determine what is or is not detrimental to “the server’s health”? The things you are suggesting will do far more harm than good. Leave policing the game to Blizzard, who already have systems and methods in place for moderation. If Blizzard is ineffective in its approach, then complain about that instead of suggesting people break ToS by naming and shaming others, especially for things that you are in no position to judge.


Man I wish blizzard actually moderated their game. I really do.


BTW I don’t actually know what Bloodborne RP would be since I haven’t played any Souls titles, but I assume it doesn’t fit into the setting.

It’s actually twice as funny when it’s a guild trying to police roleplay while themselves being bad RP instead.

But that’s what this is still about - public RP, not anything inside your Guild. Aggressive enforcing your own lore onto others is naming and shaming and otherwise being very aggressive about it towards others for breaking your own perception of what is Good RP. Naming and shaming also includes whispering others or that specific person about how their RP is bad, too, no?


Something that would be effective if Blizzard in any-way actually policed their game. They don’t even ban people who have an abundance of proof of doing very illegal deeds using their game as a platform. So now it comes down to whom exactly should be trying to create some sort of quality-control and the obvious answer is the players to an extent. It’s for us to try and ensure that roleplay and the server remains a lore-friendly place where the setting of Warcraft is respected.

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I would argue differently, and no matter the amount of fallacies you name-drop in this thread, the point remains.

The fact you (and others) have dead-locked and hyper-focused onto “badRP” and how we shouldn’t be “bullies” towards them, when the crutch of my agitation falls upon open degeneracy and predators, is alarming.

In a world where people are so contrarian to the sentence of “We should not accept noncery, and try to root out -something much less horrendous/wrong” and so many go

“But we cannot be rude to -insert the second topic-”

Rather than focusing on the actual important thing at hand; that of predators, is far beyond alarming. Something that should be a non-issue.