Kalimdor RP for the Alliance?

Never really ever looked into Kalimdor before, and was wondering if there’s stuff going on and about on the Alliance side of things?

If so, I’d be more than curious to hear about what’s going on.

I believe the ‘‘Dirge of Teldrassil’’ keeps themselves to Kalimdor, along with many other night elven guilds. No idea if any non-nightelf/worgen guilds spend time on Kalimdor.


Most guilds would be Night elf and Worgen. The Moonlight Embrace resides in Astranaar and we do mainly keep around Kalimdor only if it can be helped. Sometimes we cross into Eastern Kingdoms but that is on a very rare occasion.


Night elf roleplay is your best bet here; most night elf guilds are based in Kalimdor. There’s the occasional public event, and thr scene itself is very much alive. For a list of guilds and upcoming events, you can check out the night elf RP thread.

EDIT: there’s also hubs, of course! Feralas used to be active (but not so much anymore, to my knowledge), Astranaar is fairly active and I think Wisplight Willow is attempting to bring Nighthaven to life.


Thank you!

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Isn’t Ruins of Isildien an semi-Active hub with the Handmaidens of Elune? And I know for a fact the Starweavers are currently in Winterspring/Starfall Village, just not for long :stuck_out_tongue:

All in all, there are quite some guilds around spread ouf over the Night Elven lands of Kalimdor anyways! So its a pretty active scene RP-wise! :smiley:

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I believe you are right about that.


Our Willow mostly are found in Moonglade, it’s our kinda -main- location. Though we also can be found contributing to the Astraanar community alongside the MLE! - Another a delightful guild!


We are indeed! We were in Barrens in the week and Pandaria over the weekend. But most of the time we you most likely find is there :+1:


It is often a great pleasure seen Handmaidens of Elune about.


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