Kazzak - MW or WW Monk LF Guild

Hi there, MW or WW monk LF a guild on the Kazzak server. Last played in late October. Had to take a few months break to finish my final uni thesis. If your interested in giving me a trial for your guild leave a message here or send a message in game (yelt#2864). Thanks.

Hey, just wondered if you’d be interested in a server change? I’m an officer in the guild and we’re on Magtheridon. We’re looking for a 4th full time healer to join our guild for heroic progression. If you’re interested, I’ve dropped you a request on battlenet!

Hopefully hear from you soon

hey there, are you still looking for a guild? im from Dream Infusion - Kazzak and we are currently looking for a more healers to bolster our ranks. If youre still looking hit me up on discord: mita#2407

Hey there!

If you would be interested in changing server then we have a home for you!

Please check my post - [H] Sanctus Pauci - LF Mythic Raiders

Thank you

Hi, we are looking for a MW monk for our mythic team. Please contact me on discord - LollyPop#9720. Regards, Milkshaké.