Keybinds disappearing ONLY on boosted char upon log in/out

Boosted Sham to 70 using boost token that came with pre order.

Upon logging out and back in, all keybinds disappear. I’ve tested with/without all addons disabled, and across all other normal chars. It only occurs on the boosted shaman character.

Any ideas?

I know it’s awful losing bindings all the time but they are aware of the issue. Keep an eye on the hotfix notices as they come out. They are usually pinned in General Discussion but also covered by the various news sites.

You can always file a bug report in game for new issues, or if you feel they should know it’s also happening to max level chars.

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That’s awesome thanks for letting me know. I actually just tested and as long as you make a new load out it does save the keybinds so that’s at least somewhat of a work around!


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Same issue here :frowning: