Khadgar Alliance Reconnections

Hello Sigi, I thought i remembered your name. We were briefly in the same guild. Here’s a screenshot from August 2006 when we used to own WSG.

Here’s the imgur URL


Bluto, from Anarchy Alliance, the guild still exists on Khadgar but in name only, Pericles and lazybones have long since quit. Auldare and I still play on Khadgar and we bump into a few old faces from time to time.

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Hiya mate. I was actually the creator of Anarchy Alliance within the 1st week of ever playing the game. Went by the name Bladeruner. I somehow managed to recruit most of the people you mentioned there and then I stopped playing. Quite amazing what you all did with the guild. I’ll be back for classic and was planning on rolling on Mirage Raceway but i might follow Phantas to Pyrewood.


Haha Tarciryan! We hit 60 about the same time. Almost exactly the same time in fact. I’m rolling with PM on Pyrewood if you get a chance to come play again.


• Ames, Dwarf Hunter / Amez, Dwarf Paladin
• eXperience
• Hoping to see many of my old buddies from back in the day!

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Good to see you man!

  • Koldbrann Dwarf warrior
  • Neurosis
  • Anyone i would remember lol…
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that snyggingen guy from the screenshot used to help me lvl up back in the day, Think he was from the guild " A Few Good Men " or something

Pericles former GM of Anarchy Alliance here - on Netherguard Keep realm now. Back to WoW after not having played since Cataclysm.

Weynn - Resto Druid, was also in the Anarchy Alliance guild on Khadgar for the last half year or so of vanilla. I also had a Norwegian buddy in Phantas Magoria, a Resto Druid whom I levelled an alt with and who regularly invited me to their non-progression (fun) raids to AQ20 and 40 but 15 years on I cannot remember his char name… If any of the PM peeps on this thread can recall his character name and maybe whether he rolled a classic character?

Hey all, I initially played and raided on a Night Elf rogue Syphus in Vanilla (Can’t even remember the guild name). I switched to my new main human priest Solarus initially as Holy then as Disc and started the guild Gamma Terra with my brother Colossal in TBC. Our second guild was named Core Carnage. We eventually raided in Mutiny during the later parts of TBC (Hyjal and Black temple and all content in Wrath . Moved around a lot after Cata to horde Draenor on my shaman then DK tank Kronius in MoP and a few other moves. Playing on Shazzrah horde.

Hey nab , of course I remember you although more on your gnome rogue with pink pigtails Yasi in early TBC. I think you still owe me about 30K gold that you borrowed for mounts :stuck_out_tongue: You must have owed half of the guild money back then lol

Hi Bluto, Thanks for helping me remember my first raiding guild name. I had forgotten . Anarchy Alliance. I would have raided on my rogue Syphus and I remember Pericles who was a priest healer. My first raid with anarchy alliance I blew up half the raid on Baron with that stupid bomb mechanic . I started leveling my priest between raids although I mainly only managed MC. I think I partied a few times with you on my priest Solarus during TBC.


I used to play a druid named Kissfm with romanian dudes, Dristor, Avely, Declin, Mihaiviteazu. I cannot remember the guild name unfortunately.

Are there any romanian players still playing the game ?

Hey longshot here but I was a nightelf druid, was very young at the time so had a stupid name “Elfiscool” haha
Was in a guild called “Fun Lovin Criminals”
Have been wondering the past few days if i’ll ever run into anyone I used to play with!

  • Name: Vengaul - Human Warrior (also played night elf priest named Allude)
  • Guild(s): Home of The Ghost Lords (HotGL); Paradise Lost

Spent most of my time in Vanilla wall-jumping up Ironforge bank so this is more of a TBC/WotLK thing, but just wondering if any of my old guildies are messing around on Classic. Too many names to mention so I’ll just list a few off the top of my head: Brackus, Malat, Thetodd, Mardoll, Tai, Kyl, Irenestorm, Balddave, and loads more I’ve just forgotten (memory is going, I’m not so young anymore).

I’m playing a paladin - Vengaul - in Classic on Pyrewood Village EU if anybody who used to know me feels like saying hello.

Hi Phonquell and everybody else for that matter :wink:
I’m Tenjure Dwarf Paladin from Phantas Magoria as well.
Nice to see some old players back at it and hope we can reunite and relive some of the good old days.

Check out our C’thun “trailer” for nostalgia and memories :slight_smile:
(I think we got a close up of you Phonquell in the video)

Hey Bluto, you might remember me. This toon was originally human rogue called Kamae. I was there on all our raid firsts in MC, BWL etc. Bumped into you in Ironforge many years after vanilla when I still had Alliance toons! Exclusively horde now :wink:

Ajami here - Creator and GM of ‘Redemption’ through tbc and wotlk. Hope the crew are happy and safe. Playing classic again and today with tbc release, brings back so many awesome memories of the guild.

Ajami here - Creator and GM of ‘Redemption’ through tbc and wotlk. Hope the crew are happy and safe. Playing classic again and today with tbc release, brings back so many awesome memories of the guild.